You can’t help but rise higher when My love you desire. No one can keep you down. No one can hold you to the ground. So filled with My love you will be that you will see and understand eternity. This is My gift, My most special and precious gift which I offer to you. This is indeed the “Good News.” Trouble not. Have no fear. Divine Love is here!
Jesus said. Jesus told. He wanted each of you to know Me, as he (did), for I showed him the way. He had so much of My love He could not stay. But I sent back another gift, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to give you a lift, to lift your burdens, to ease your load. It’s so beyond those rules you know. For I watched you stumble. I saw you cry. And decided that no longer could My Divine Love you deny.
This gift allows you to flow through life with ease. Yes, like a gentle breeze, My way becomes yours. My will be done, without any effort or because of anything you have done, but wanted Me so, thirsted for My love. Oh, how I love to gift you, My dears, with this gift from My dove.
Listen in, hark, hear! This is the Message for all ears. I will make you anew. You will not feel the same. Some have felt so changed that they take a new name. This is It. The real deal. Offered first to Jesus, My Son, who was once as you, wandering, wondering, what to do. But he asked for My help and offered himself up to Me.
Yes, this was the real crucifixion actually. The cross he died on was his own he had carried just as you. Falling and tripping, getting up and trying anew. In order to fully know Me, he had to deny “himself.” He had to die ego-ly. Three times he denied his own will and served himself up to Me. Right then and there he was so brand spanking new that he glowed from head to toe. Oh boy, Jesus sure did show My love to all he met. Every time he asked in My name, bounty he could proclaim. Jesus more than believed. What son “believes” in his father? A son can only “know” his father or not. Jesus was My “first” Son, spiritually begot.
“The Christ” that Jesus became, he as well proclaimed was here for you. He told you how and what to do. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus the Christ gave no more rules for this was the truth of his message and was his message complete.
If any man so loves Me, as he hungers and thirsts for this closeness, and as well loves and cares for his brother man, he will find himself rising day by day. His thoughts will be of joy and he will see perfectly. This is My promise: the “Promised Land of Israel,” where greener pastures lie, the Heaven I promised and My saving grace.
The Savior was Jesus and can be you. This is what I want for each of you. If you indeed so love Me and spend time with Me in the quiet closet of your heart, you will find My peace and love pouring fourth so rapidly into your very being, shaking you to your very core. Oh yes, dear ones, it is you My children, whom I adore, with which I wish to fill with My love, just as I promised “on the wings of a dove.”
Do not be mistaken. This is not a one-time thing. I have acres and acres of love for you that I desire so to bring. Bit by bit, puff by puff, I kiss your heart and fill you up. You will feel this, I know. And you will surprise yourself when you begin to show. Show in your actions, thoughts and deeds. Show My love to others fully, just like Jesus the Christ did indeed.
You see, this is the difference, this is the gift. My love makes doing the right thing easy with no thought, or rules, or laws. You will not even pause to think if any action is the right thing to do. It always will be, as you will be becoming Me fully.
After you pass from this earth you will continue to rise with My Love. Higher and higher, purer and purer will be your soul until it becomes golden and burns like the fire of the sun. Yet until that, you will not be done. But you will be Mine and My will will be yours.
Can you see and understand the glory of this story? I know it is different than the one you knew. But isn’t it so much better too? This is the Truth, which you can know. Ask your heart to show. Invite Me into your life. Yes, the one you are living which is filled with strife. I care not where you have been. I just ask for you to let Me in. I’m at the door now, waiting for you to pick up the clues. Yes, you have to seek, but this isn’t a game. I just ask you to pray using Jesus the Christ’s Name. For he knew and he knows now. And he did all I asked him to show you how.
LISTEN HEAR, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente