June 29, 2013 I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. I am for you to know. I am for you to show. I am for you to be, so you may see, you may know, you may believe the Truth that Is. My Eyes see. My Eyes see all, far, wide, high, low, everywhere there is. There is nothing I do not know. I know the Way, for I Am the Way. The best Way, the only Way, the Way of Truth, the Way of Love, the Way of Compassion, the Way of Peace, the Way of Joy. I am the Rock, the “Rock of Gibraltar,” the Rock that will not falter. On Me, with Me, as Me you must stand as you walk the land. Trust Me. Trust not the ground upon which your feet stand. Your feet touch the earth. They are of the physical world which is shaky and often so shady. Darkness conceals much which is True, which is Real. Thus, to truly see you must trust Me. The Truth is the Rock that will not falter, although many minds of men attempt to alter. Stand on the Truth again and again. Let others go on with their stories, only their own soul will their lies destroy. It is for each to live his Truth, his own Truth, the Truth every bit of him knows through and through. It is this Truth, his Clear Conscious that will win in the end. For this Truth is what sets him free, free to be all he is, and not to cower in fear of what may be. As clear as day, you may see life this way. But not when you look to the outside. It is only when you turn inside that you will find the Truth that does not hide. Go within and seek. Take a giant leap of faith and peek. Peek into the Truth, the Peak, the Ultimate Expression of You, this Highest, Best and Total Part of You. Ask for the Truth, the Ultimate Truth, no less, nothing else, not second best, not what someone else says, but what the Heart of you knows and wishes to show. Take the journey inward, to go onward, past where you are, farther than you can see. Come within. Take My Hand. Walk this walk with Me. My Eyes see what you can not see. Why? Because My Eyes are everywhere, they are everything. Nothing, absolutely nothing hides from Me. So you must trust, trust in Me to see what you can not see. This is the faith Jesus said you would need. When he said “Trust in Me.” It was I whom spoke. I spoke through the man he was. My Words arose from within him and out unto the world through his throat. I Am, whom he said would come again. I Am whom he told you to let in, to open the door and allow Me to show you how to live, live the life of no sin. I am here. I am there. I am everywhere. I am here for you now, the one writing, the one reading. I am here for each, even the ones whom do not know, whom do not believe in Me. Do you hear it now? Did you just hear it again? Are you just now beginning to understand? Yes, it was Me, Me within him, that spoke those Words you know by heart, but had not until now understood how it could be. “Believe in Me.” You heard him say. “Believe in Me” I said through him, for I was with him and spoke to and through him as I now do you. These Words of Mine are Truth, Eternal and Internal Truth for each and all of you, for you to choose. I must be chosen and yet the choice is always up to you. You have free will to choose how you wish to see, how you wish to be. You can live small and earthly or rise up in consciousness with Me and use My Eyes to see unlimited possibilities always. The Light I AM, filled with Me you may choose to be, you may become who you Are. The choice is yours. Yours now, not later, not someday, not wishing upon a distant star. I say, the time is Now! Start where you are to enjoy life, this life I give, this life I offer. From My Well you must drink. You must “get drunk” on Me. Drunk on the Love I shall fill you with as you come to me. Come to me so empty, not full of thought, not full of belief. But full of faith, trusting completely, trusting Me. But to trust Me, you must know Me. How can you truly know anyone that you do not spend time with? Spend time with Me. Get to know Me. Ask Me what you wonder. Ask Me for what you need. Ask Me how you can help others, help others to see, help others as Me. And I will give you My Love, My Love to be, so others may see, may see Me within you. I will give you My Words to speak. Not to preach, but to be, be this Love I Am for all. This Love Jesus was. This Love Christ Is. Yes, I will christen you with My Love. To you, My Holy Spirit will bring My Love, so gently as if on the wings of a dove. Yes, My Love will be Heaven sent. This is what I offer, this is My Gift. Have you received? Do you know Me and not just believe? You must know Me to show Me, to show Me to the world. When you so ask, I will come. I will come as Love. Love unto your heart. Love unto your being. This Love will change you from a “reason being” to a “heart-felt being.” You will be, you will become who you are, who I Am. In this Way, you shall know Me. In this Way they shall know you, they shall know Me within you. They shall know you by your love, Our Love. Truth comes to me and then flees. As Truth is only in the moment, the moment of need. The moment of Truth is only a moment indeed. And yet, as this moment is eternal, Truth is always present to be received. I have to empty my mind to know the Way of the Divine. Only in this way, Truth I can find. I have been reading about Sai Baba today, words he has said and what others say about him. I hear within his Words the same Truth which Jesus Christ, spoke. And within the comments of others, I hear the same confusion that still surrounds the Words of Jesus to this day. People have either placed Jesus so high above or so low below. Hardly anyone has understood that it was Me whom spoke. For I am within all, and just as Sai Baba said, in some this Light (I Am) is quite bright and in many others quite dim. But the Light I Am was one hundred percent in him. When I spoke My Truth, the people could not see that it was Me, the “Truth I Am” speaking. All they could see was he. And they either thought that they were unworthy to be in this God/Man presence or thought the man unworthy to claim as he did. When I said I was Great, when I spoke of how I am All to all, they couldn’t hear. They didn’t recognize My Voice, as the same Voice that calls to each within. And so as they heard My Word, they said it was absurd, that the man was a fake. But he was not. A real man, he was, God realized man indeed. This is the difference he wanted all to see. Just as Jesus Christ, he said “Follow Me.” Yes, the same Voice, the Voice of God within was speaking. And some whom read these words will indeed think you are absurd, crazy in fact, for believing that you are Divinely receiving these Messages. Messages of Truth repeated again and again, so they may be present in the physical world for eyes in need to see. And perhaps wonder and then desire to know for themselves, the Truth that lives within, the Truth of Me. Many names people call me. Many incarnations I have had. But not always so fully have I been allowed to live so free as to be the Breath, the Words, the Hands, the Feet, the Christ, God manifest as man, for the world to see and thus believe I Am. I am here now with you, with all. Waiting ever so patiently to be called, to be requested, to have my Presence felt, to have one surrender their life to Me, no matter what hand they have been dealt. You are not going to find Me unless you look. You have to seek, seek with desire to find and know, to know Me. Each must so seek. Seek Me within themselves, for themselves, in no one else and for no one else. Seek to know yourself. I am here. I am near. Draw near. Draw near and seek. Seek to fully know Me. When I get out of my mind, I am one with the Divine. June 30, 2013 Whatever it is that you want to prove, you will prove. The proof will be your reality. You will see what you want to see. You can prove Me. You can prove to Me to yourself. My Truth, can be your reality. You can see, as I see, if you so believe, if you so desire this sight which is so infinitely higher. But you must first imagine it to be. You must see it now as your reality.“The proof is the pudding,” so to say. What you make of it is what it shall be. You will only get out of it what you first put into it and that means what you believe. All is created by thought first. Think about it and it shall be. Let it go. Let it fly away with the breezes that blow. It will be gone. So gone, it will be as if it never known. Let it go, to go on. If you can not drop it and set it free, then hand it over. Give it to Me. Truly give it to Me. Don’t take it back. Think not of it again. Know when you give it to Me that you are in My care and what is done is done. Then go have fun. Rejoice, for you made the choice to let go, to no longer know whatever it was that you once knew, that kept you small and made you blue. Thank the Lord above. Thank the Law that rules, that this is true for you. Give thanks. Humble yourself. Be full of gratitude. Joy and peace shall be your attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude. So let it be, fly free. Fly free with Me, the Divine in you. Make Me true. Believe in Me in you. And as you do, you so shall see, you shall see the Works We do. Wonders you will know. Wonders you will show. Believe in Me, in you. This you can, this you will, do. Believe, have faith in yourself. Look to no one else. You are all that I Am. I Am all that is. You are everything My Dear, see this, see this clear. I am here for you. See Me. Make Me true. Rise up. Break free. Be who you are. Be what you can be. See unlimited possibilities with Me. Forget doubt. That is living without knowing who you are. Live like you know it, then you shall show it. I am as good as My Word and so are you. Prove Me true. Say it so. Then let it be, be as you say. Let it come to you, come as it may, come as it will, as you allow, now that you know how. Do not clog the stream that flows, with thoughts of that you wish not to know. Be without thought. Let no thought arise that tells you otherwise. All that you think is in reality Dear so very limiting. You think what you know and thus as your reality is continues to show. So, I say, Let is all go. Be thoughtless. Be limitless. What is a thought anyway? It is what ever you say and you say what you see. What you have decided is or can be. You think what others have thought before. A you have been told you must know history, you must know the rules of science, you must know all that the learned/teacher say. But look my Dear, at the life these thoughts have created. Do you really want your life that way? Do these men you so revere live lives beyond reproach? Are they truly worthy to follow? Look where they lead you to. The life they lived you shall live too as you so believe, as you so repeat as they say. It is your choice to follow blindly along or open your eyes and another way. I Am this Way. I Am the Way and I am here now for you. If you who read these words wish so to understand, then hear this Truth. I Am the One that lives in each and every one of you. You can be, who I Am, who you Are. Once you put your thoughts away that keep Me from showing, that keep your Truth at bay. Let Me shine. Let My Light shine through. Let Me show you a life that the small you never knew, but the Big You already Is. Let Me show you who I Am. Let Me carry you now through the sands, the sands of time that shift more than you know. Let it go. Let is all go and go on. Go one with Me. See what is, what can be your reality. If you must think, then think on Me. Think wonderfully. Think beautifully. Thank Me for the beauty you see, My creations, nature’s gifts which continually celebrate this Life I give. Celebrate Me! Chant the name of the Lord. Whatever name you call Me, call Me forth. In to your knowing, into your showing, let Me be, your reality. One day I write what the Spirit that lives within prompts me to say. And then the next day, my eyes are drawn to a book already “on the shelf,” written with God’s help, saying again the words I hear within spoken to me so sweetly, so softly. The Voice, the Inspiration is the same, though called by many names. What I spoke before, I speak again. And will continue to use one’s such as you until each and every so knows Me and listens and believes and trusts the Truth I Am that lives within. Debra Clemente and Heavenly Company |
The Voice of Truth speaks to me. I write what I hear. Now, I share it here with you. ~ Debra Clemente
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Joel Goldsmith is a new discovery for me. But what he discovered in his time is exactly what I am in my own time discovering. I am sharing now what I have found of his story so you can, if you so wish, read along with me. ~ Deb
Are you familiar with the works of Paul Brunton? He has just recently been brought to my attention. He, as me, was inspired to continually write spiritually inspired sayings which came to his mind. Brunton speaks of two different paths to awakening. I have included below some of his notes which outline them to some degree the two paths to awakening, The Long Path and the Short Path.
* * * The basis of the Short Path is that we are always divine. It is with us already, it is no new thing, and we only have to try to recognize what is already there. Meditation has two parts. The lower one belongs to the Long Path. Also, the religions are for the beginners and popular masses. They, too, belong to the Long Path. To the Short Path belong Christian Science, Ramana Maharshi's teachings, Vedanta, Krishnamurti's teaching, and Zen. They all say You Are GOD. The Long Path says instead: You are only a man. The one says that you are man and the other says that you are also really rooted in God. A very important point: because the ego lives in its own darkness, it cannot give light. The light may come only from the Overself, which is the Sun and Light of human existence. With the reason we can control the ego to some extent, but it is not possible to control the Overself. As regards Enlightenment, this is not coming from self-willed effort; it is coming only by what the Overself does to him. It is a matter of Grace--unpredictable--and it is the last secret. It is like the wind that comes you do not know where from and goes you do not know where to. It is a mystery. At the end we have to be like little children and leave our Enlightenment to the Father and give up our lives to him. On the Long Path the aspirant tries to improve himself. He experiences successes and failures, ups and downs. When he is disappointed, he gets melancholy. On the Short Path such a situation cannot arise, because he has faith like a little child. He has given up all his future to Overself-God and he has enough faith to trust to it. He knows he has made the right decision and therefore is always happy. He depends on this GRACE, he knows It, that It comes from the wisest being behind the world. Whatever will come, it will be the best. He is always relying on the Overself and having the joy in it. The Short Path is a cheerful Path, a Path of happiness. Just before this begins, the aspirant may experience the Dark Night of the Soul. He feels utterly helpless, has no feeling of spiritual Reality. It is a melancholy time--no feeling of spirituality or longing for it. He is neither worldly nor spiritual. He feels alone and abandoned and separated by a wall from his Guru. He feels God has forgotten him. This dark night may last a short time or long years. He is unable to read spiritual things, or think about them. There is no desire for ordinary things either. He feels sad and disappointed and may even try suicide. In this unhappiness even those who love him cannot bring him comfort. In both hemispheres, Western and Eastern, there is a saying: the night is darkest just before dawn. He is on the lowest point. After that, the Short Path brings back the Joy--just like clouds moving away from the Sun. The best advice is, first, that it will not last forever; he must have patience. Second, he must have hope. Then he reaches a better level than ever before. The Dark Night of the Soul does not come to every seeker. It is like a shadow thrown by the Sun. When the Sun appears in the subconscious, the shadows arise. But it is the beginning of a great inner change. It is not a wasted time; there is a great deal of work going on--but in the subconscious--to root out the ego. It is being done by the Overself. It is a sign of Grace, but the aspirant nevertheless feels unhappy. In the Short Path there are usually much fewer exercises to practise. It is not necessary to sit down specially to meditate, but to try to be always in meditation. When you are busy outwardly, meditation naturally takes a different form than when you sit down for it. During the active part of the day, meditation takes the form of remembrance, always to try to remember the Overself: IT IS (That is enough). In the special meditation time our object is not to improve the character. During the meditation we have to empty our mind of thoughts as quickly as possible, let the mind become still. Ordinarily we live in our thoughts, in our little selves, even if the thoughts are spiritual. Therefore we have to keep away from all thoughts. If you want to think of the Overself, which is without any form, it is not possible. We try, but any idea, form, or shape is wrong. You cannot imagine it. So better not to try but to be still. You must not remain in the ego. "Be still [let go] and know that I AM GOD," says the Bible. ~ PB ~ Paul Brunton http://www.paulbrunton.org/index.php. http://wisdomsgoldenrod.org/notebooks/query=long+and+short+paths |
Debra Clemente
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