If those who declare that they love Jesus would open their minds and hearts beyond what they believe is so and marry with the Spirit of Truth within in their heart and mind they would know Jesus's ways and live His truth.
For the Master's program is not one of outer rules and regulations, it a way of the heart. A way of living from the heart of God which changes hearts and minds in a way that can only be divine.
If it is made known, if this path is truly shown millions of apparently indifferent youth will come forward and enlist. Indifference is the key you see. Youth the ones who still dream that a better life can be. They have not decided it cannot be so. They inquire. They're not afraid to ask, to seek, to reap. Those with open hearts and minds will find.
Point to them where to look. Tell them what it looks and feels like. Tell them Heaven is real. It's about the way one can feel and know assuredly that we all that we are all one indeed.
They have not seen proof of this. History has not shown it can be. But they want it so. They truly want to believe. But they are not ignorant nor will they be deceived. They can see the holes in the present systems. They know there is a need.
They need you and you and you. They need you who know who you are. You who know that I am and allow Me to live through you. They're sick of the hype and the rules and the creeds. They have to know. They will not just believe.
They shall enlist in My service as they see it is indeed a service which is of service to all, that no one is left out, that My love is for all without doubt.
They want results. They want satisfaction immediately. They will not sign up for something that promises Joy only in the world to come. They want to live in Joy now. They want to sing and shout, and hold hands with each other freely with no ties that bind but the one that binds all hearts as one. This which when so joined cannot come undone.
They want freedom, the freedom My love offers. They need to know that is only My love which will set them free. They need to know that My love, which is the Masters program will fulfill all their hopes and dreams.
They have seen the power of connection. They have seen the transmission of images and ideas byways of means that eye can conceive. In this which they do not see, they believe.
Tell them that there is a stronger, deeper, and truer connection available now from which all good is continually streaming. A guidance system leading them to a place of peace and joy where no man, no circumstance has a possibility to annoy.
Yes, tell them of the joy and of this peace that comes from trusting the leading of My indwelling spirit. Tell them it is safe to listen, to trust and trust they must. For is this trust this faith that marries the consciousness of each with a all-knowing consciousness of God.
This is the espousal of the Masters program. This is living as Jesus lived. This is doing what Jesus would do. All without thought. Instead by listening to and trusting the divine leadings of one's higher consciousness. One must become consciously aware of this voice.
They must understand they have a choice. They must understand that they have the power to choose which messages direct their life. The world's messages of fear, separation and strife or the consciousness of Jesus. Having His spirit fully alive within their hearts feeding them continually with the bread of His reassuring word. His words of love and comfort and real time direction. Direction that will lead them on to all their highest desires, to true peace and joy.
Yes there is more to life and lives to come. But they need to know that they need not postpone their knowing of this joy of being one with their Father. They need to know that I love them as a father, as a mother. That as they choose to walk with Me I am always present in that moment to lead,as they follow My guidance, as they choose to heed.
They need to know that I am not a ruler who condemns but a lover who satisfies. They need to be told that I can be known but not by hardened hearts that deny. They have to desire. They have to seek each individually privately and quietly. Into the closet they must go to find.
What they shall find, what they shall know is My Love assuredly within, not far away, not high above, My love as them. Then they shall as well see Me, this Love, this True Light in others. Even as another may live still so unaware, they will know, and they will care for all as sisters and brothers. They will love as I have loved. Tell them of My Love!
June 2014 - through Debra Clemente