My own experience has shown that whenever it is the Voice of God that I hear the message is pure and the meaning is clear. I began to fully understand this in my own mind as when I would ask about anyone or anything, the answers that came to me were always short and sweet. No ego play involved at all. Any selfish dreams the small me might have had to get "the dish or dirt" on another never appeared. ~ Deb | Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente So what is the basis of truth, the truth kernel, in tales of witches, those who were said to not be mortal and could instantly manifest themselves at whim anywhere as anything? This is to do with manifestations of those who possess a higher consciousness and the unknowing mind of material man takes it for evil. As it is a demonstration of power he knows not and fears, he thus calls it evil. Man has lived so small for so many years and has done a fine job of dousing out the fire, putting out the light, of those whose light they did not understand, thus feared. Crucifixion became their answer. Fear has ruled man’s day and night. There is another group among us living sequestered from our American mainstream society, the Amish and Dunkard’s come to mind. They shun the life and supposed ease of life Americans are so proud of. Yes, these groups are founded on the principle of simplicity. This is their rule, just as much as the Love of God is. | God Through Colleen Etana with The Holy Spirit: If you hear a message from one who says they are with Me, and that message speaks or makes you feel separate from the one who is speaking and does not make you feel everyone is included in that message, as it must pertain to everyone as well, I would be highly suspect of both the message and the messenger. Are they defensive, overbearing and snotty when you question them? Are they reacting rather than patiently and temperately responding? Also if the message does not magnify, illuminate, or point the way to Me, but seeks to glorify the messenger, know that this is not a Holy Messenger though it may 'sound like a holy message' and do not believe it! They deceive themselves and seek to take you along with them. They speak without true knowledge. For they seek to gain followers for themselves rather than disciples for God. They may speak about Oneness and Love, which may tickle your ears, but you can tell by the way they live their lives continually, not by what they are preaching, no matter what religion they say they are of or seem to practice on the outside. Learn to read between the lines of the hogwash they're trying to sell you. Unfortunately they are deceived themselves. And the Truth will come out in the wash eventually along with their true colors, for give them enough rope and they will hang themselves by their own egos. Speaking not gently, consistently or accurately, they will trip themselves up for all to see. Are they preaching hell fire and brimstone? Condemnation? Preaching about how they are bringing My Judgment and Wrath upon the earth? Be not taken down with them and jump ship quickly for your own sake! Remember what has been said about lying down with dogs? I say you will pick up fleas and ticks that bite, molest you and are hard to get rid of, possibly even mange which is even more difficult to cure if at all depending on the type. And so it is. AMEN" disciple (dɪˈsaɪp ə l) — n 1. a follower of the doctrines of a teacher or a school of thought 2. one of the personal followers of Christ (including his 12 apostles) during his earthly life [Old English discipul, from Latin discipulus pupil, from discere to learn] Read more: |
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We can
Agree Or we can Disagree Or we can Agree To disagree And yet There is Another choice The choice To just be Just be With another Without judgment Of who Is correct Or who Is right Just be With another Without a fight Just be With another And know It is Alright. Debra Clemente 9/9/2012 |
Debra Clemente
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