John 14:12-17 King James Version (KJV) |
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Love Me first. Love Me with all of your being. Love Me with all of your heart and mind and then thus my commandments will be kept by you. For this Love I am shall fill you and give you the power, the sight, to do my will freely.
I did not mean that one is to fulfill My commandments by his own power and thus as he does he shows his love to Me. That was the story of old. But this story Jesus tell is new, it is the Good News. And the Good News is if you love me completely, I will fill you with my Love completely. I will give you My power, the power of my Holy Spirit to do as me easily.
Do not wait until you are perfect to come to Me. For I say again, none can be perfect except as they live through Me. This has been and continues to be the confusion of the masses. My Love is above all written law, for My Love is My Law which I offer unto each heart as the transforming agent. When you call upon the power of My Love you are not alone for all the power and grace of Heaven moves through you, as you fluidly, naturally. For I am your God and Live in the Heart wishing so to express the power of My great Love through thee.
Express your love. Express your loyalty to Me and you shall know this Love I am, this Love Divine living as you, through you. Thus you shall keep all of My commandments for Love is the Law of all. I am God. I am Love. I am this Love for you to be. I am this Love for all to see.
Limit yourself not. It is not God that forgot. You My children have forgotten Me. You call you not My name in love. You seek not the Presence of Me within thee. I call your name continually. Speak to Me. Ask to know the Love I am intimately.
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The “Spirit of Obedience” is not something we do of our own will. The “Spirit of Obedience” is that “Grace” God gives us to do His will naturally. It is a gift of, a sign of, the New Birth within. Again, we can not do the will of God on our own. The Spirit of God, the Spirit of Love must so fill us and thus shall “will” us to do and God wishes us to do. I have felt this. I do feel this. I do know this, which is the difference, the difference the indwelling of God’s Spirit of Love makes within one’s human heart. I have know this and shown this all before I have found and understood biblical reference to it. I know the difference for I lived fifty years the other way, trying to be good, trying to do God’s will, trying to be perfect, to be in my own eyes worthy of God’s Love.
But one day I changed. I changed the way I prayed. I began to pray a new way. I asked for God’s Love to fill me and flow through me. I asked God’s Love to be me. He answered my prayer and continues to do as I continually ask Him to fill me with His Divine Love. No where else could such a great treasure I find than this Love I have found that within me dwells.
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Love Me in the spirit of obedience, in the spirit of truth, with the wholeness of your heart to know the wholeness of My Love. My Holiness as you expressing, naturally, fluidly, abundantly without your mind action, without thought. Call upon the Spirit of Truth to lead you in all your thought and action.
Let My will be known unto your heart and mind. Through this Love Divine I offer you each, I come to teach, not to preach. I come to show, so each will know My way as their own. Know Me intimately. Know Me immediately. Know me presently, for I am with the continually. The Spirit of Truth will come, leading you in all right ways.
August 29, 2013 ~ Debra Clemente