If anyone becomes a 'son of the bride chamber' he will receive the Light. If anyone does not receive it while he is in these places, he cannot receive it in the other place.[10] He who receives any Light will not be seen, nor can he be held fast. No one will be able to trouble him in this way, whether he lives in the world or leaves the world. He has already received the Truth in images, and the World has become the Aeon. For the Aeon already exists for him as Pleroma, and he exists in this way. It is revealed to him alone, since it is not hidden in darkness and night but is hidden in a perfect Day and a holy Night.[11]
Many believe these writings to have once been revered as sacred scripture which was not chosen to be part of the "official biblical records" by men whom did not feel the message contained within suited their means, or their own desires of what mankind should know or believe. What was not sanctified by the self chosen men was ordered to be destroyed. But by the mercy if God these sacred words were preserved and hidden away awaiting a time when mankind would have the desire of consciousness to receive the Truth within.
Debra Clemente