There are those who wish to deceive by a variety of means which they do by directing your eyes to what they wish you to see. And then they tell you what that means. They decipher what is true for you. And you believe for you have seen with your own eyes. But you have not realized you are not seeing everything. Your eyes, your beady eyes and the world they see and thus define are in truth, quite blind. You do not see the whole truth, your eyes deceive you.
And when doubt arises within you, you don’t believe you. You do not understand that this is Me prompting you to look again, to seek to know what is real, the real that is a help you see, see the truth that is. My eyes are not blind. My eyes see everything, everything very clearly. I see into every heart and the intentions of every heart are clear. There are some among you that create love and some among you that breed fear. To which to you draw near?
There are those who like to create drama with ideas of fear. They control what you can know. Just because you don’t know, does not make it so. The war that is, is the war within each man as he attempts to define true reality, the war in his mind between what he sees and hears and thus believes and his heart which yearns for the peace that he can not find. It is the battle of good and evil, love and fear, God and the Devil, the heart and the mind, the divine and the un-divine.
There is a very defining line. There is a difference; a different way to be that is being confused continually. A way to feel safe, come what may. A way to know what is truly so, a way to see things beyond belief, beyond your mind’s grandest imaginings.
Draw near, walk away from fear. Come here. Come hear what I have to say. Stay, stay here, here with me. Ask for more. Ask for eyes to see. Ask for ears to hear. Ask to know what you need to know. Listen. Wait. Be patient. Do not hesitate to believe the answer you receive. If you ask for higher knowings, then accept it and be grateful for it.
Trust it. Use it. Heed it. Run with it. All systems are go. All is in place for you to run this race and win, finish first, and not be worn out, but instead rejuvenated. Come to me, your highest way of being. Come to me completely.
I have not always trusted. I have not always known. I didn’t understand what this voice was, that this small still voice was God within, the one whom I am to trust. No one told me so.
We are telling you now, telling you how it is and can be that you might see, have insight that is far beyond and above your eyesight. The closest you have come before is hindsight. We offer you foresight so you may know which way to go, which path to take as you make your way. We make it known as you need to know so your mind does not need to be filled with decisions you have made, before you ever reached the place where you had to choose between two doors when you arrive. The wisdom will be there waiting for you on time, in the now, presently. If you run ahead in your head predetermining what way you will go, deciding to turn here and then there, you will never know all you can know for you have limited your life with your limited mind.
My mind is infinite. Infinite possibilities exist within. Call forth your good and expect it to be where you are and where you go. Good is with you. God is with you continually even when and where you least expect to find. All you have to do is call My name, bring My love to mind.
This is exciting!
Yes, it is! It is the ultimate high, joy, ecstasy. Come on a joy ride with Me.
I write the book!
Yes, you do and we thank you for doing so, for listening, for heeding, for recording, for knowing, for showing, for sharing the love that is. Thank you for making this love visible, visible for others to see how My love works within thee and is ready and available, within reach for all and each to receive.
I feel extremely empowered today, confident, carefree. I can see it going good for me. I see this truth clearly.
I am the calm within, the center of the storm. I am the Eye Divine which is single. Call forth your good. Then answer the call that you receive in return. Do not disagree with the message you receive. You must agree completely to receive. Full faith you must have in the power that exists everywhere, that your eyes can not see. Ask believing.
I can see what I do. I can see what I have done. I look for what is wrong and thus this wrong I continue to see. I continue to confirm with my eyes that something is amiss and this way I insist that it continues to be. For my thoughts have power, power to create what will be seen. Thus, as I have come to this understanding, I have the possibility to choose differently.
I choose right now, in this very moment, to not look at, to not seek things that disagree with the innate part of me that is perfect, perfect as is and will be. This perfection, this divineness within me is what I shall continually seek to know and see. I will believe this truth within me.
This is how the Divine is realized. It is when you realize totally who you are with the perfection of God’s image that you were made in. When you call My name, you bring me forth into your knowing, and knowing is always followed by showing. You must completely agree with Me. Your thoughts must be perfect, perfectly good. Think on Me, the perfection God is, I am within thee.
May 16, 2013 - My journalings by Debra Clemente