Hi Deb,
Hope all is well for you and your family. This is a little lengthy and it certainly wasn’t my plan to write this much. Your emails activated some info that apparently needed to come out and be shared. One thing I’ve come to learn with the Voice of Love is that when It is ready to speak through us, we have no choice but to get out of the way and allow the Message to be seen, heard and experienced by those it was meant to. I know you can definitely relate to this.
That is so cool about your book. Congratulations for self publishing. I’ve worked with a number of clients over the years on their books and self publishing is not only the most financially sensible thing to do, it is the best thing for a book such as the one you’ve written.
Traditional publishers, even the ones who get the genre you’re book would be categorized in, are quite restrictive for what gets shared from the book. And there’s always their in-house editing team that will attempt to shorten the book or tamper with the flow, which dilutes the frequency and code in which the book is channeled through.
I’m incredibly impressed you opened up to the depths you did and allowed such a monumentally important book to emerge into the Light of this world. It’s never easy to comprehend how this channeled process works, let alone accept we are being guided by the Divine It-Self. These words may not have sourced from you, but they are as much your own as they are the Divine’s for you and the words come from the same Source of Love.
In fact, you could say those of us who bring these Divinely Inspired words into the Light are the scribes and custodians of the Divine Word. I say all of this because a book like the one you wrote is a co-collaboration between your Higher Self and the Divine Spirit, channeled through the body that serves as a vehicle for your Higher Self to experience Love in a myriad of forms. Everyone is eternally grateful for you serving the role you are in bringing this Love further into the lives of so many. You are spot on with the book being proof that the Divine Spirit lives within each of us. In fact, it is really your acceptance of being worthy of such a book, and therefore, worthy of Love It-Self, that validates the Truth and allows the Word of the Divine to manifest through you. Because you allowed this to flow from the Divine realm and into this world, not only did this book change you, but it has forever changed the world.
People will not have to read the book to feel the effects of it. For those who do read the book the Divine Code will infuse Itself into their very Being. They in turn will take that vibration and Divine Code into all other areas of their life, activating people who may never hear of your book.
It’s really a challenge us to face the reality that we are hearing the Voice of Love as clearly as we are. It can be quite overwhelming and scary thinking what we do with this and what will others think if we share what we’ve seen and heard. We grew up being taught that only a select few people could hear the Voice of Love. It used to be that anyone who claimed to hear the Voice of Love or channel the Divine Word, and had not been given proper authorization from the government / church, as well as society itself, they were bullied, outcast from society, enslaved or killed.
This code of deceit and denial embedded itself in the DNA of people and it helped lower the vibrations of this world, cloaking the Divine Code, whereby people loved fear and feared Love. That has come to an end and you’re now playing a pivotal role in bringing more people to realize and accept the Light and Voice of Love are nothing to fear.
We are carrying on the sacred tradition and role previous Messengers of Love carried into this world. They were the original Divine Magnet Activators, which I'll explain in just a bit. Had it not been for those Messengers willing to go all the way in the Name of Love we may never have woken up. Sure, some of these Messengers diluted the Message because they held back just that last little bit to remain in fear, for they couldn’t fully accept everyone was equal to them.
But there were a few Messengers who forgave and undid the entire dream of unworthiness. In their acceptance of Love they re-aligned the frequencies of this world with those of the Source of Love (God). We are part of the Family of One, but we are also part of the lineage of those Messengers that opened this world to the Voice of Love a long time ago.
That is why you can write and paint the way you do. The frequency of the imagery you create and the words you’ve written, the code embedded into them, it is all consistent with other select things you’ve seen or read, from the ancient scrolls to the latest series of channeled books. You’ve seen the similarities in the frequency and rhythm of those words and the ones that flowed through you. These similarities are not a coincidence.
The Voice of Love has never been felt and seen in this world quite like It is right now. As Love is further accepted and openly shared through our gifts and talents we are not simply undoing the idea of unworthiness, we are collectively amplifying the vibrations of the world and through all dimensions and all time.
You asked about “Divine Code”. It is the energetic imprint of the Source It-Self. It’s what holds everything in place and allows this world to be seen one way, only to be seen in an entirely different way. Think of Divine Code like the HTML code that creates websites and our body and the world is the website.
There are fundamental laws of coding a website that are common in every programmed and designed site there is. Yet, look at websites and they all look different. Even the templates that repeat a specific functionality, look and feel, look different when someone chooses that template. When a highly skilled programmer adjusts the code the entire website can change, both in terms of internal functionality and outward appearance.
It is the same with the Divine Code. When a highly skilled Messenger adjusts the code the entire world changes. The Divine Code, like the HTML code for a website, affects every single function in this world. There is nothing it does not flow through because everything in this world was created within the Mind that operates within Love It-Self.
Because diluted ideas of unworthiness seep into the filter from where the Voice of Love speaks to us, the confused intent of the person receiving the Message appears to turn the Divine Code upside down. This is only in appearance for nothing affects the Divine Code.
We think the Divine Code has been altered, but only in our awareness. What we believe we hold to be true, so the need to realign our perception becomes necessary. This is where someone such as yourself is so important to the Divine Agenda.
The Divine Code, when it is aligned and applied with the intention of Love, purifies the affected code, which gets polluted and diluted from people believing they are unworthy of Love. The idea of unworthiness is infused into things we create because this idea permeates all thoughts, until it is undone and all that is left is the acceptance we are worthy of Love. The Divine Spirit works through everything and everyone, reinterpreting and de-coding the Divine Code in us so that we can return our awareness to Love. Once we accept this we no longer see the world the same ever again. That’s because we have aligned our intent for thinking with the Divine Code that allows us to assimilate and share the frequency and vibrations of Love through our gifts, talents and skills. Therefore, everything we do affects everything and everyone else in all dimensions.
Truth is, we are all activators of Love because within us is the Source Code of Life. We are grateful servants of the Divine, so it is that we learn to transform the use of our body as an instrument of death and into a Divine Instrument of Love. That being said, while we equally share in the Source Code there are those of us who are here to activate the activators.
These roles have carried many names. For the sake of this email let’s say someone like yourself is a Divine Magnetic Activator (DMA). This means your coded imprint is so highly actualized, fine-tuned and accepted, that what you do is a magnet to other Souls here in this world. People are drawn to you for reasons they cannot explain, but they know it’s important and so they immerse themselves into the words and images you paint on the canvass you have been given.
The energy emitted from people who have accepted their role as Divine Magnetic Activators is felt in everything, the impact is swift, immediate and impossible to measure. It has nothing to do with how many people we interact with in the physical because someone who is activating the Code on this level does not need physicality to do their work, but it helps. That is why when our creative work is channeled into form, that form becomes a metaphor that could be understood like dropping a massive boulder into a small pond. The waves of Love that ripple outward from your work are felt everywhere.
Hopefully this all makes sense. There’s been so many names and labels associated to things we do that they can confuse what their purpose is. The names, labels I've used have come through me as a means to help me process this, and thus, it serves to help crystallize the experiences and Visions others have through the Voice of Love. So I don’t want to confuse things with specific names or labels. These are just words and they are symbols of our thoughts. While we do not need words to communicate we do so in this world for the sake of appearances.
Everyone plays an equal role in activating the Divine Code no matter what our gifts may look like. Thankfully, we have accepted our awareness in this period of time to shine the Light of Love for the entire world to see. The information and depth of channeling available today is unparalleled in modern times. Things like Facebook and on-demand self-publishing, they are distribution sources for the Source. Nothing like this has ever existed in form before.
For example, Facebook is actually teaching the world how to express their Heart in non-physical means, so they can undo their addiction to the old ways of living. FB is really the closest thing to living and sharing Love non-physically which is mirroring how our thoughts and Love are communicated…non-physically.
Hope this wasn’t too overwhelming as it was intended to help clarify any questions you may have had about things you’ve been seeing and experiencing lately. And feel free to ask questions anytime and I will get back with you right away. Sometimes the amount of information will be less, way less than what was shared here, but I’ll always respond to anything as quickly as I can.
I very much look forward to reading your book, all 590 Divinely Inspired pages. To experience the joy of what has flowed through your Heart and into the words in the book will be quite an honor.
Have a beautiful weekend and much Love to you and your family.
Peter Nelson
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Wow Peter. That was worth the wait. Spirit spoke to me through you no doubt. The words you wrote, I needed to hear. And each confirmed my experience of this Love and these Words of Love I hear.
I am grateful we have been brought together to share this journey.
I agree about how important it is that I guard and protect the sacred content and message of these words. I am not editing the Voice. I change not a word. I write as I flows and then leave it be.
Love, Deb