Divine Love fill me
Divine Love flow through me
Divine Love be me.
This is my constant prayer.
- Debra Clemente
All goodness flows continually. Open up. Allow. Allow good to flow to and through you. Don’t block your good. To flow free, come be with Me.
Where are you?
Do you know where you are?
You are with Me.
You are safe.
You are home.
Be at rest.
Put up your weary feet.
Unburden your shoulders.
Set your cares all aside.
Give them up unto Me.
I will carry you forward
in Peace,
in Joy
as you allow My Being,
My very Essence,
to flow through you.
Put up no barriers.
You have asked
for My Love,
asked for My Way.
So it is given.
It is here.
The time is now
for you to release
the beliefs
that bind you
to what you know,
to what you see.
Release it all.
Walk away.
Step forward
in faith,
with trust
in My Bountiful
to fill
every one
of your heart’s desires.
Excerpted from the
Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story
by Debra Clemente
How do you judge other? How do you judge yourself? You say you don’t but are you so certain? I do hear your voice. I know your thoughts. They are not always so kind. No judgment is needed upon your part, anyone’s actually. It is this action which brings you out of alignment with who you are and the natural flow of life. Static is created in your naturally healthy vibrational flow.
You do not need to tell anyone who someone else is or your estimation of them. Allow each the opportunity to be who they are. They will show up as they will and prove who they are. When you judge another you are broadcasting your limiting thoughts to the universe. You bring no harm upon anyone but yourself, as each only has access to their own vibrational flow unless you give someone else permission by agreeing with them. The Well Being of the universe, the Fount of all Goodness from which all are born remains constantly and consistently within us, connecting us all by a golden thread.
Excerpted from the book
Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story
by Debra Clemente
Owe no man anything. Owe God everything. No matter whose hand delivers it, all good comes from God. All thanks be to God. Go with the flow. Pay what you owe. Thus, what is owed to you can flow unto. Do not be a clog in a drain. Do not act as sludge, for if you do, your bounty will not budge.
April 16, 2013 - Journaling my journey - Debra Clemente
Again we say, “Don’t know so much.” It is okay not to know and to allow the flow of life’s natural state of goodness to be and to be for you. When you live in this way, in the Flow of Life’s Abundant River of Goodness, you do not decide too much. Desire is the key, proper desire.
When one desires properly he thinks about what he wants and feels good. He enjoys the thought of his desire. Proper desire does not get bogged down in the details. Proper desire is the belief that good can and will come your way and that you are deserving of this better. You trust, you believe, that what you desire in life is coming your way for it is already there for you in the Flow. And by the energy you hold, by the power of your feelings and your thoughts, you magnetize your desire to you as it rushes through the River of Life, the amazingly abundant Flow of Goodness of which is always around you. It is okay to want something, to desire something. This is all fine.
As you feel good and think good you allow more good to be your truth. You are in control of your mind. It matters not to you, what others think. Listen again to these words you have been given. Let them sink in. You cannot be a “control freak” and work for Me. Without want there is no desire, no motivation to seek better.
So what do I know is true in a nutshell? I know that life is more, so much more than the shell we live in and view life out of. I know the “More that Is” goes by and answers to the Name of “Love.”
You think too hard. I will give you the words. You just hold the pen to the paper.
How do I know if someone “gets it?”
Whoever’s life is directed by fear and worry does not know the fullness of My Love. You are not to tell anyone else what they do or do not know. It’s only a heart to heart talk with Me that can mean anything.
Excerpted from the book
Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story
by Debra Clemente