Who says all is well?
Those that know it and can’t help but show it.
Pity no one. For pity is to hold bad feelings. Feel bad for no one. Feel good, send love, send blessings, hold hope, have faith that good will prevail for all and in all. Have faith that God will one day have reign in their heart and that God’s goodness they shall know everyday from the end to the start. Hold this hope, this faith, this light in your heart, good will, God’s will for all. Let it be done as you say.
See a healing. See them whole. Imagine them as they are at heart. Wholly holy with Me, in Me, as Me. Imagine them one with God.
Everyone has their stuff to do. Don’t expect them to pay too much attention to you. You do not have to walk “in the limelight” to walk in My Light. In fact, you may well be the only light that can be seen where you are. They may not look at you and yet it the light you hold as you walk beside that lights the way as they go through the day. Do not expect others to look to you, allow them to look through you. Allow them to see through you the Truth I Am. Be this for Me, light a new way for humanity.
Life is not a popularity contest. In fact, as you follow My way you quite likely will not be popular at all. But whose favor do you wish to gain? Whom is it that you wish to please? Is it not Me? And am I not totally above the world and the worldly? My Kingdom is another realm high above earthly thought and matter. Make this your only matter, your focus, your desire, your life.
Look not for anyone else to fill a hole in which you may perceive in your heart. Only My Divine Love heals and makes whole. Holy it is and holy you shall be with Me. Holy, holy, holy in my Holy Kingdom, Kingdom Consciousness!
Do what you must! Grow in My Love. Listen to and hear My Words, My Pleadings unto your heart. Lessons they are now for you and as written they are breadcrumbs left for others who shall come and so desire to hear and know that I Am.
This is your work, all else is Mine. Let Me be who I Am in your life. Do not take your life back into your own hands. I see what you can not. Trust Me. Live in Me, as Me. Be My Divine Love and Light for this world that walks in darkness. Hold the Light, the Light of Christ.
You are ready for higher teachings, remain open to know and you shall. All is well, wish all well.
You are contemplative. You do not take anything given at face value. You site with it and wait to see if it reveals more of its self to you in time. Patience is a wonderful virtue. Be patient and wisdom will be your way.
What do you think? When you say, “What do you think?” Minds get involved; reason comes into play, judgment, and much, much more. All activities of the small mind which only knows what it has known in its physical life. But when one wonders new possibilities come to mind, new ideas, insights, fresh perspectives. Be filled with wonder and live a wonder filled life.
What do you wonder?
I wonder about life. I wonder about love. I wonder about God.
Then all of this you shall know.
Have I taken time to know them? Have I listened to who they are? Have I loved them in a selfless way?
You can keep anything alive if you give it enough attention.
Wisdom is only available in the moment, the moment it is needed. Wisdom is a floating thought to many that they give no credence to, thus they do not trust. All wisdom is from God. All wisdom is good for all, for the good of all. Thus wisdom is the word of God.
July 16, 2012 - Journal Writings - Debra Clemente