I wrote these words that follow from God for a friend who needed to hear that God is so near. I wrote as I lay in bed, barely lifting my head to see the paper. I am but a messenger. These words were given to me to receive. These words were given to me to share, so that whoever needed to receive them could hear. I asked that God fill me. I asked that God’s Love spill from me. I asked to overflow so others could know. I am not here for only me. I am here to help others see. - Debra Clemente
Listen to this Voice
Not the voice of doubt This is the Voice That says you can Listen within Not without You have never Been without My Love It has always been Here for you Accepting it and Acknowledging it Is what you have To Do I can help you see See the beauty Life holds and is For you Set aside your cares And know that you Are in My Constant Care This is something You must do Be with Me Be here with Me Within your heart Which is My Heart of hearts Ask me to fill you With This Love I Am And I Will You can have Your fill For there is Enough More than enough My Love is abundant My Love is unlimited And as I so fill you With This Love You shall know That you are This as well You will know You will be able To tell You will feel Me Live Within your being Set Me free To Be And I will set You free Of all your worry I can do What you cannot My Power My Strength Is what you need Tell Me Tell Me You know this is so Tell Me That you cannot Do this alone You are not alone For I Am here But your actions And your words Keep Me From your knowing So you cannot Hear Me Say Each and every moment Of each and every day How proud I Am Of you For doing all That you do I have been With you I have seen You through And yet still You do not know Instead you just Try to believe But it is possible My Dear To more than believe You can know You can know Me You can talk to Me As you do But you do not Stop to listen To what I have To say You pray Then go on your way And say That life is hard And hardly fair Sometimes you Are not sure If I even care But I do I always have And always will What you need To know is My Love My Love You need to know That is it real Really available Right now To give you the strength I AM My Love Will carry you through Ask for It Ask to be filled with It Ask me to give you My Strength Tell Me again and again How you need me. Do you know what Rock bottom is Dear? It is where and when You shall find Me For this is when you Shall truly seek Me For then you shall Have had enough Of your own ways And give it all to Me All of your worry You shall hand it over You shall take the weight Of the world Off of your sore shoulders You will say that you Cannot go on this way You will say You cannot take it Another day And I will say Good I will say Hurray Enough is enough Of doing things your way Today is new Today is the day The Lord has made And you shall Take My Hand And I shall Lead you To my Still Waters To drink To quench The thirst Of your soul And your soul Will drink Your soul Will drink in My Love You shall nurse From My Breast The Bosom Of My Eternal Love You shall depend On Me For My Strength And My Love Which is The very substance Of Me I shall nourish thee I shall feed you My Love Bit by bit As you ask And you have to You must continue To ask You must not leave me You must not leave The knowing That I Am With you That I Am Near you That I Live within you You must Thank Me You must Be grateful For all the good You see Around you And I shall then Be able to Give you you more For as you believe You shall so receive This is the way You are to pray Pray believing Pray believing in Me And you shall Then know Know Me We are together My Dear We are never apart For I Am A part of you I am the Part of you That gives you Life For I am Life I want you To be with Me I want you To know that you are Not alone I want you to know That I Love you I want you to know That this Love I Am And have for you Is Real. Love, Your God Which lives within Loving you All the while Wishing so Again To see You Smile. www.DebraClemente.com |
9/22/2012 11:34:33 am
Hanspeter Höpperger
10/29/2012 03:52:22 am
I claim all these wonderful and warmly expressed promises. Every one of them lifts my spirit a little higher. Thank you, dear Deb, for listening and transcribing these magical words from the Highest Love Presence in the Center of Our Heart.
Debra Clemente
10/30/2012 04:47:49 am
It feels so good to know that can receive these words and find comfort from them. As I reread this note again today, I heard God speak again to me reminding me to continue to draw close and receive the Love and Strength that is within for me.
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Debra Clemente
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November 2015