Let freedom ring is the song I sing. I sing it loud and clear. I sing in all dialects, all languages, so each and all may hear. There is no language any must learn to harken unto Me. It is only the language of the heart that is necessary, for heartfelt is all My Love will ever be.
What could be clamor and as harsh as a jackhammer becomes lovely Music when it is directed by Me. Every voice remains individual and yet is united as the Voice of Unity. This is the Divine Symphony, Divine Synchronicity, Heaven at its best. Life risen above the world that tests. Notice the beautiful Music that exists within even the rests, contrasts and yet continuity. High and low, fast and slow, all together at once, sometimes separate, but all beautiful notes written as chords meant to be played together. Harmony, Don’t you see? Listen to the Music. Listen to Me.
When you are at rest you are still part of the Music. You are still part of the Harmony of Me. This part of the plan, the rhythm of the Music, the silence between the beats. No less in those moments ever believe you are less or are less at one with Me. You must be so ever silent to hear Me, to be so attentive as you see Me. When I wave my great hand and command you and your little bell to ring. I do not ask you to ring it all the time. In fact, if you are so watching Me you will see Me bring my arm sharply across telling you to stop and wait until I again tell you it is your turn to play.
You need not worry what is next for you will wait patiently, always ready for My direction. It may be a soft ding I need next from you or perhaps you will be ringing with another bell or two. But while you wait, you will not hesitate to rest, to rest completely in Me, and as you do know that you are still very much part of the Music.
Debra Clemente and Heavenly Company
January 1, 2014