Yes, as you stay with Me in your consciousness, you realize I am never far. I always Am where you are.
Let go of the physical, for the physical and all the ideas of your small mind are the ideas that blind. I do not blind you. I set you free. When you choose to live spiritually and choose life in Me, My Love you will know. My Love you will show. And thus others will see and understand that I stand beside and hold your hand. And as well may grasp the Truth with I put within you. That the Love I Am is for all. That this Love I Am heals and reveals the Truth of who you are. All may know that I Am near and not far. As they see My Love come alive through thee.
Be My Love, My Love for all. This is what I ask of you. This is your call. Hold their hands and look into their eyes. Within you, they shall see the true Christ Spirit come alive. It is My desire to so live within each heart, but to do so each must do their part and make way for the infilling of My Love Divine. It is a matter of surrendering their own will and choosing Mine.
Man is ever enthralled with discoveries of the physical. He searches far and wide, high and low to know the truth of matter. And yet, all his quest is in vain. For matter holds no Truth and thus contains no Truth, for Truth is God and God is Love and Love cannot be contained or confined. For Love, this True Love Divine is infinite in it’s goodness, power and wisdom.
If man wishes to live in the fullness of Truth, he has to move beyond the matter of matter. He has to move beyond the grey matter of his mind. Knowledge is of man. Wisdom is of God. Knowledge is learned. Wisdom is known.
Man is so full of himself and what he thinks he knows and yet he knows so little. He is not wise to the ways the World of God, the Truth of Spirit, the Wisdom Within, the Kingdom which is so close it is at hand, readily available. He has hardly an inkling of the vastness and greatness of the Universe, of All That Is. He is blind, yet he has blinded his own eyes. He has covered his own ears. His vision is so narrow, his hearing so weak.
Yet, I give him all the power, and the power to know the power which moves and breaths within him, as him. Not the physical part of him. There is another part of man that lives within man and yet is not contained with the matter of man. This is the Truth of man, the Truth of God, Infinite Goodness. It is and always shall be. This Truth knows all. This Truth is wisdom, beauty and grace. This Truth is Love for all, for all time. This Truth, when known, will set man free, free from the limits he now perceives life to be.
Truth is speaking here. Truth is always near. But few can hear so clear. They are caught up in the world of their mind and thus the Truth of this Love Divine they cannot find. Yet, it is here to know and as they know they shall show. But it is for each to so desire. Each on their own must desire higher. Each must seek the Truth within.
Each must so desire My Love which brings the wisdom and ways of “all things higher.” My Divine Love, each is to desire. All things good they are to admire. Each has to set aside their selfish desire which keeps them stuck in the physical world of muck and mire. They have to crucify their ego, to let Me Go. To let God live within.
You are beginning to see, just beginning to view True Life clearly. There is much more to know and the way I shall show. Just hold my hand. I am here and will never let go.
July 7, 2012- - Debra Clemente