Jan 6, 2014
This I wrote today as I heard God's Word:
It is the combined voice, the Voice of Unity that will be heard across the world and recognized as My Word. Truth shall come forth as it rises up from within. This Truth can not be held nor contained within any. Like cream, it rises to the top, like a stream it bubbles forth in those that have so allowed My being within them to be set free. This is how it is. And this is how for all others that come unto me it shall be. These Truths can not be contained. They are not for personal gain. They are a gift to humanity. I give them (these words) to you because I wish you to bring them (My people) back to me.
It may seem to you as if you are just bunch of voices preaching or singing unto the choir, but as a choir your Voice is stronger and clearer, bringing others nearer, nearer unto Me, this Voice which fuels thee.
Some have chosen to step away from all that “the world” has had to say. But as each did they found within a greater source of information than any the mind of man has ever conceived. Information which has proved above and beyond that which for centuries man has believed and made his creed.
And after some time away, realizing that they had something important to say, they came together and compared notes discovering that the same truths each had been uncovering. Now they are binding, uniting as a force, with the Force behind it all. For birds of a feather must stick together. And what God has so joined married in spirit, with the Divine Consciousness He/She Is, no man will ever put asunder.
Hear My people roar! Hear My Divine thunder! For I bring them to you not to punish, but to bring relief, this relief each and every heart so seeks. See the beauty in this design. Look My dears at the workings of the Divine.