Privacy, alone time, alone with Me, true intimacy. A marriage of souls, the Divine Symphony climaxing, arousing your desire for only Me, your True Love, your destiny. Trust My Embrace, you are safe forever more My dear. Trust in Me. You will see. Submit. Submit your everything. Unveil your eyes, look at Me. The Marriage has been consummated. You are now One with Me in Being.
But how do I live in this world? What am I to do? How am I to get along?
Signs are everywhere to be seen for those with eyes to see. Trust Me. Trust this Voice of Love to lead you unto all good things, unto pure refreshing waters to drink. Many never reach this stage of intimacy. They never enter the inner chamber of their heart and thus roam around in the outer court. They prepare not their hearts to receive Me. They remain in darkness knowing not the True Inner Light I provide. Bridesmaids they will always be as they continue to believe this is not possible to be. One has to desire the Perfect Mate to ever find one, the One. Their expectations are too low so they do not know what you are coming to know.
The old law said no one but the highest priest could enter the Holy of Holies. People were kept down by this belief. This belief still rules them, contains them, refrains them. They know not that it is within their power to be free, to know Me for themselves and as themselves. This is the secret that has been forever hidden from mankind, his Truth, this destiny as Man Divine.
You have the power to set mankind free by being, being this Love I Am in action, in the flesh, living as Jesus did, living as Me. Living with My Universal Consciousness as your guiding light. By looking to the Light inside that unites and not the outer, the outer darkness which continually divides as it sees all as separate from each other, separate from Me.
This is the way True Unity is achieved. The only way it can be. You must follow Me. This is what Jesus said and the words he spoke were direct from Me, the Father within him, the Father within thee, the Father Consciousness was and is speaking. Follow Me. Listen to this Voice of Love inside thee. Follow Me. It was I speaking. And yes, this is the only way to True Peace, to the Salvation of humanity. Follow Me, the Voice of Love within thee.
You don’t have to know Jesus the man, you must know the Consciousness he is. This same Consciousness is within you, within each. But it is not recognized, not seen for what it is thus given not credence, no belief, no trusting. This Voice spoke through Jesus and is now still speaking, “Trust in Me. Follow Me.”
You must come to so trust that you come to a place of knowing, a place beyond belief. This is the time of Marriage. The union of your small limited consciousness with the Unlimited Consciousness of Me. This happens in privacy, in secrecy, in the Bridal Chamber of your heart. This is why you are told to go away to pray, to go away from others, from the world and only Me seek. Seek to know Me, Me within thee.
No place is more special than another. You can be anywhere, even in the midst of others bodily. What matters is where your attention is, you must give it all to Me. Give Me your everything. Come to Me with nothing, naked, bare naked. Hide nothing from Me. I can see all of you anyway. You are never truly hiding anything from Me. But what I need from you is your honesty, your desire to unite fully with Me.
It is here We shall consummate Our Love, My Love for you, your love for Me. It is here that the two become One. It is already done, but it is in this Moment that the Truth becomes your reality. Because it is in this Moment that you have truly desired Me, desired My Wholeness, My Purity, My Peace, My Love, My Wisdom, Our Truth in Unity. It is in this Moment that I give you new Eyes to see and new Ears to hear the full meaning of everything. You shall know as Me when you live continually in this state of Oneness, state of Unity.
Yes, it is a state of consciousness, a way of being, a way of knowing unity. The Father Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Primordial Consciousness, all words used in an attempt to express this same knowing of Eternal Unity. Use My Eyes to see forever more My love. See the beauty life holds for you and more shall unfold for you continually. Stay with Me. Do not leave.
October 4, 2015 - Debra Clemente and Heavenly Company