I perceive that we have been mislead. We have given importance to the wrong thing. We have looked for Christ where He is not. We have not looked within, for we did not understand His Words, His Message.
The New Resurrection is our own individual awakening to the Spirit of Truth within and then as did Jesus the man coming into such full trust and faith in the direction given that we marry in Spirit with The Lord, our Father and as we do Whom Jesus was will as well be each of Us!
Those whom has so found and embodied this Truth have either been raised so high above the idea of the attainment by any other man or woman or ridiculed and crucified for speaking out again the norm of their societies ways and customs.
But today is new. Today we are awakening in mass numbers to this Truth which lives within. We are gathering together and uniting as the One Voice We know We are. Never again shall this Truth, which is the a truth of each and all be allowed to be so silenced. It now time for each to know whom they are and live from This Wonderful Point of Truth.
It remains for each to claim. Free will is still very much in place. But as this Truth is brought into full light so many will see that It Is and can be, for one and for each.
Debra Clemente