The seduction of things of materiality: “I shall not want.” These words of scripture have new meaning for me. Newer, better, best… ideas always giving rise, attempting to test our will, tempting our minds, seducing our senses with ploys of joy all temporal, fleeting at best. Yesterday, I felt it again, this game of seduction the outer world plays. “Oh, if I just had this… all my troubles would go away.” I was standing in the ultimate playground of technology. “Oh my there are so many things here I would enjoy…”
All bells and whistles compared to what I provide, this connection you have that can’t be denied. Oh you can deny it with your mind and you continually do. But why, now that you know it to be true do you ever choose to? Satisfaction guaranteed with Me. Satisfaction indeed, no more looking, no more outside seeking. You have arrived at Heaven’s Gate, come My dear, take My hand, step Inside with Me.
You’ve seen this. You know this. You know you must stay near, near to Me continually. This is why I say you must think of Me, that you must call My Name continually. Never let Me go. Let your ego go instead. Your ego has falsely led you. Your ego has deceived you and you believed it thinking that it was you. But it has never been your Truth, I Am.
If you are continually seduced by the world and you play into the seduction you will not know Me within you, as you. You must fast from the world. You must enter into My Rest, the Truth Sabbath, the True Peace. This Peace you have expected to come not realizing that it is already here but now known unless you stay near to Me in thought.
Your soul, I have not bought. I came into the world to offer you a new way, but I could not stay for you (mankind) could not see. You could not recognize the Kingdom within Me within yourself as well. I left physically so you could only seek to know Me spiritually.
In reference to the Gospel of Thomas:
No man drinks Old Wine (Truth with a capital T) and then desires new wine (lesser teachings, not fully developed). New wine (lesser teachings) can not be put into Old Wineskins for the lesser teachings will burst, not uphold themselves. Once one has tasted the True Wine, the Old Wine, he will no longer desire or be satisfied with new wine, the lesser teachings, anything less than the fullness of Truth.
If the writings such as the Gospel of Thomas would have been included in the original bible texts people would have wondered their meaning. But instead by their omission, they are given no meaning. Thus they are dismissed by many of the minds which would later find them as they resurfaced into the hands of the many.
The secret within is the wonder they inspire. It is within the wanting to know the Truth, that the Jewel within is personally discovered. The mind that doesn’t wonder, that does not seek, will not know anything beyond what is beneath his feet.
I do not fit into this worldly paradigm. I have found that this world is no longer a friend of mine. Thus I must seek only inside for the Light the Christ provides. This Light I shall shine so bright. Never again, shall I deny Its Brilliance.