'Come and tell Me all you are afraid of', and showing me His Heart:
'When you feel unable to bear pain, come here! If you are afraid of being humbled, come here! If
you are seized with apprehension, come closer still!'
Come rest in Me and share My Joy.
What is there to fear when you are in My Hands? Never doubt the goodness of My Heart, nor the Love I bear you.
If you love me, I shall always remain near you. If you follow me closely, I shall grant you victory over the foe; I shall manifest Myself to you and teach you how to love.
I do not look at the act itself, I look at the intention. The smallest act, if done out of love, acquires such merit that it gives Me immense consolation . . . I want only love, I ask for nothing else.
If you are faithful, I shall know the riches of My Heart.

Josefa never had to translate into human language visions, locutions, or interior promptings. It seemed to her that Our Lord was manifesting His thought and wishes in the direct form of human words which she believed that she perceived in a sensible way, and whichshe had only to transcribe in the very same terms.
The message and way of reception is the same as I myself have received for this Truth of God's Love, forever shall be. - Debra Clemente

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