Ever the Observer I am. As you join with Me you shall see life from a higher perspective above the clamor that continually hammers.
Where is my place in this world Lord?
You don’t have a place in the world. I have set you apart, you are One with My Heart. Don’t forget it, remember always. Don’t expect another to agree with you to confirm this Inner Knowing you have, just be with it. Be at Peace with it. It is this continual peace which they will see. In this way, and this way only, you can show others that I live within thee. Words will never be enough.
I am remembering a passage from my book Listen Hear. “This book isn’t for everyone. It is only for those seeking a better way.” I get it! I get it! I understand now what that passage means more fully. One has to be a seeker first, he has to thirst for more knowledge, more wisdom within. The words I provide will mean nothing to the reader unless the reader is ready to receive, to know, not merely believe.
The messages are openings, openings into ways of knowing the Wisdom that is available, within reach. These lessons shared are not to teach the mind but instead to open the heart to the bounty of Wisdom inside. They are given to inspire others to reach higher, to desire The Way of Higher Knowing, The Way of Higher Being, The Way of Peace Within. Not all are ready. Not all can hear as you do. Let that be okay with you. Their time will come. All egos will eventually be undone. Leave that to Me. When they are ready, I will help them see.
Someone is propagating ideas of fear and hate.
Love is the answer. Love is the answer for everything. Love is the only answer, the answer to every question.
It does not matter who it is that is spreading fear, causing turmoil, the answer remains the same. My Love is for all and this Love I Am you must be to see clearly. When you are the Love I Am, you will be living your Truth and then be able to see the Truth of others within beyond the shadows of physicality. Come Dear Ones, come see with Me. Which bandwagon will you jump on, love or fear? Compassion or hate? Your choices determine your fate.
November 15, 2015, Debra Clemente, A Conversation with God