Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it is not there. If you want it, believe it so and keep looking, searching and believing. If it is not what you want, then forget about it. We are so proud of you darling, for not bowing down and lowering your own personal standards to fit the world’s view of what is right to do. Who else can truly know you but you? The true You knows the truth of you and it is beautiful, all so beautiful. Listen here My dear. All is well with you. Who in the world do you think you are and who in the world do you think you aren’t? For you are everything you believe. Believe in Me and with Me that you are wondrous, wonderful, amazing and unlimited. Judge not yourself. Compare not yourself against anyone, nor anyone’s standards, even those you believe are mine for I judge you not. I judge no one. Love does not judge. Love only loves and this is what you are to do for you, love yourself unconditionally. When you can love yourself unconditionally you can as well love others unconditionally. You can do unto others as you do unto yourself. Love yourself first. Take care of yourself. Treat yourself well. You are in charge of yourself, no one else is. Remember this, you choose who you are by the thoughts you choose to think, what you choose to believe. Do not think less of yourself for you are no less than My Love manifested unto the world. Sometimes you have to hear things more than once to get it through your thick head and into your heart, which is why we like to bypass your head and speak directly to your heart. Your heart hears and remembers instantly. You said you want to make people happy. That’s a wonderful idea but you can’t you know. You are powerless in this instance. You have not the power to make anyone else be happy or sad. You may bring joy to another by offering to share the joy you have but you cannot force your joy upon another. Sometimes my body becomes too much for me as well as my mind and I just have to lay myself down and be one with the Divine. “We already have our church.” people say, in an attempt to shut the mouth of another as tightly as their own mind is clamped. For this very reason We ask you not to impose any of these teachings upon one soul. These Words are not for everyone, only those whom seek a better life than they know. I’m not going to play that game. What game? The game where one worries. Every once in a while I remember why I believed what I believed. Why I didn’t feel good about all I was, or all I did. It was because I believed the words, the opinions, of others. I took them to heart distrusting my own True Self, the Heart of God within me. Luckily for me I see this clearer and clearer everyday, as my mind attunes to my heart which is being overhauled by the Love of God. I don’t know about “star systems” and such as that and I don’t care to. If you wanted to know you could know. No thank you, I’m fine for now. No one ever told me that what I now do, “talk to God,” was ever a possibility for me or any other. Oh sure, I was told I could and should talk to God in prayer. But the idea that God could talk to me, I mean really talk to me, was never within my comprehension. Perhaps, the very reason I didn’t hear clear His Call, was that I didn’t know that God had a Voice which could be recognized by my heart. Others should know. Let others know that if they want to hear My Voice they can as well. For I Speak to all continually. Not many listen. Few recognize the Words as Mine, as My Heart beating for them. One is not “holier” than another because God Loves one more than another. God Loves all the same. It is just that some have accepted and welcomed more of God’s Love in to their heart raising their own heart, soul, in holiness. Re-creation of the soul: Physical recreation is necessary for re-creation of the soul, as your mind disengages from its constant workings therefore resetting its healthy set point. Make time daily for the re-creation and realization of the soul part of you of which is of sole importance to your being. Find yourself again and live anew each day in some way. Sometimes I read these words which I have written and say, “How can I say this, like how dare? Who do you think you are?” But then I remember it is not about who I am and that these words are not mine. They are gifts from the Divine. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
When you can observe without judgment, you will know you have arrived, arrived unto My Kingdom. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation