Trust all is well, this is what is meant by having faith in God. God is good so we are to believe as God’s children that all of God’s goodness is available to each of us as well. We are to trust in God, trust in God’s goodness, purely and completely, without doubt or fear. For God is Love and Love does not know fear. No fear, God is near waiting in love with love to welcome all to the center of His heart Eden, Heaven on Earth.
When you know something you are sure, you are certain, you are confident. I know I am loved. I dwell in the house of the Lord, the Lord of love. I have built an altar in my heart for God’s Divine Love. God has told me, yes told me, that I am safe, safe in love. Fear not My beloveds. Know Me. Know Love. Know, no fear. When we worry we are fearing, fearing bad, fearing not being totally cared for. We are imagining living outside of God’s love. Did you know this? Had you ever thought of it this way? Rethink what it means to surrender to God, to surrender to the power of Love. Love is power, the most powerful energy of all, the energy that creates worlds, worlds of good, the energy that is available for the asking in each moment. Ask and it is given. Ask for God’s guidance, care and love. Then listen. Heed. Give thanks and share the love. When you want to know, you ask. When someone wants to know they will ask, when they are interested. They have to have interest to care, to care what you say. So until you are asked, save your breath. Breath deep, know and trust that living well is the best you can do to show what you know. Nothing is bad or good in itself. It just is. It is what you make of it. It’s what you think of it that matters, that matters to you. Someone else may choose to think entirely differently about the subject at hand and thus have a different experience and that is okay for it to be that way. No one is to judge another for their personal choices. It is certainly enough to concern yourself with making the right choices for you. But here’s the good news, when you choose God, you choose good, you choose Love at every turn and all is good in return. It can be no other way when you choose God’s way. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente It is okay to be scared and admit you are afraid. Come to Me and ask for My help, My light, My wisdom, My abundance and My strength. All I have is all I am and All of Me is here for you. See this, know this. I do not ask you to be strong except in faith, faith that good can prevail. Your belief is necessary to call it into existence. Believe it true. Whatever it is you desire. Call to Me in your hour of need. Call to Me in your hour of joy. I am with you always. We are together as one. Ask for My eyes to see beyond the pain which is so real to you. Ask for My arms to hold you in a loving embrace, as you have not the strength to stand alone.
You need not wait until a dire hour to make this plea for I am always available to thee. You do not have to do any of this alone. Help is available. Aid, comfort and wisdom untold are all awaiting the word from you, the word of acceptance of My love into your heart, the word asking for My will to be done as you set aside your own. I am your Loving Father and you have been the defiant teenager determined to do things your way and all alone. I gave you this independence and I do not take it away. It can only be by your choice that you come to Me and choose to see things My way. It is okay to be scared. Know that I am here to comfort you. Tell Me of your pain. I am listening. It is okay to be afraid, but do not my dear, please do not choose to live in fear. For if you are living in fear, you are living away from the acceptance of My love. You are choosing the world and their stories over the Truth, which I am. My truth is love, Divine Love, no other. Ask for My love. Ask to be filled with My love and your fear will be no longer. I want you to have a comfortable existence. I wish you well. I am always sending you My love. Be where you are. We are all in this together. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente You have the weight
of the world upon your shoulders. You cannot carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders. Give it unto Me. Only I can carry the weight of the world. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation