It’s not even about you, so don’t take it so personally when another is so rude. It’s nice to receive an apology but don’t think for a minute that anyone owes you an apology for their actions. For when you do, you are deciding that your happiness or your peace of mind is attached to the actions of another. You are taking away your own power, the very power you hold within yourself to determine your own happiness level as you wish, regardless of any action or lack of action by any other. Entering into the state of Grace, Zen, or the Flow, for you it was your painting that took you there, for another it is their daily run. Others find this awareness of the peaceful center of their being as they sit cross legged on the floor and give attention to their breath. All very valid paths to the same state of knowing and bliss that is always available unto each. You, mankind, walk in darkness, barely seeing the Truth which shines ever so brightly by the light of day. You gather and form a line playing “Follow the Leader” not knowing that the leader is as blinded as yourself, as he as well is clothed in darkness. Stories are made up and told and retold explaining the whys and wheres of things that go bump in the night. Yes, you remain blinded by the darkness which surrounds you not realizing your own power. The power you were born possessing to open your own eyes unto the light chasing away the perceived darkness and revealing the continued blindness of the leader you once followed. Lo, is the one blessed with ears to hear this and eyes to see the light. Your ego wishes another man to agree with what you know. Your ego wishes another person to validate what is coming to you. Please come to the place of knowing that all is well and right and you need not the validation of any other to own this Truth. Once you get rid of that need, what you would like, will come to you. This is so because when you perceive anything as a need, you are perceiving lack of what you desire. Thus you are not putting out the proper receiving energy unto the world. Believe that which you desire is available unto you although your physical eyes and ears have not yet witnessed. This is the process of allowing. Believe unto me this, this is important work you are doing and there are ears that need to hear these words as you write them, for they will resonate in the core of their own being and be further confirmation of their own truth. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
As you empty out your self, God will fill in the spots so you will never be less than whole. You will become more and more holy, as this is the desire you have expressed. Holiness will be your nature, Godliness your right, your very being. Continue to ask for the infilling of Divine Love, you can never get enough and supply will never be exhausted. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente join the conversation