Say, say my playmate Come and complain with me And bring your problems three We’ll look for trouble to see. We’ll climb a ladder And look near and far To see life a jar Oh come with me. No, no complainer Your game I will not play Not today Not any way. I don’t like the game Of laying blame I choose to see Life without misery. I see life now Full of joy and hope And will not talk As if I cannot cope. I will not play that sad game With you Of that old game I am through. I have a new game Where it’s fun to see Things that make me Truly happy. I smell the flowers And count my blessings And sing God praises Forever more. So playmate I invite you To look with me For joy infinitely For eternity. We’ll look for rainbows And silver linings Never searching For things distressing. No, no complainer I will not complain with you I see life anew I know God’s love is true. I know it’s my choice To see life abundantly I cast away my fears And dried my tears. I hope you’ll join me In looking for the good It’s all around To be found. Come, come playmate Come out and play with me Bring your blessings three And we’ll give thanks to thee Forever more. |
Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
April 11, 2011 - Journal Entry We keep losing it. As an evolving society we seem to continually lose and rediscover things, ideas, and notions. I often ponder how the formula for making concrete was “lost” for so very many years after the building of the Roman Empire. People die and their ideas die with them whether it is an understanding of technology or even spirituality. So many spiritually evolved beings have walked the earth. Many creating a strong following for the “new ideas” presented and lived. But just as the formula for concrete material translated through the generations loses its magic and holding power, the energy of these awakened beings seems to fade, dilute and be reformulated with passing years. The integrity and strength of both of these “thought forms” weakens and again is lost. Attempts are made, formulas rewritten, but none can be proven. The key is again lost waiting to be found, to be seen, and again discovered with new eyes and fresh hearts willing to look at what is. Thank God for the seekers. They shall find what they look for. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
April 13, 2011 - Journal Entry Little by little I found my way Growing closer to God Within each day. When each is ready to hear, I am here. Be real. These are messages for my path, but when I read messages received by others I recognize they are my messages too. All worth sharing. We all get what we deserve. That’s hard to hear. Growth factor. Eye to eye faithful servant. There are no words in “the ethers,” man translates his knowings into his own language. Keep it fresh. Movie remakes. Songs rerecorded. Listen anew, self-help, Bible, Jesus, there’s more to it. It’s like the different languages. Outer space exploration, why don’t you start investing more time to “inner space” exploration? Find fault. You can find fault with anything. Don’t look for it. I have my ways. I get knowings. Truth is revealed to me. Make something from nothing, how can this be? The “creative process.” I ask a question and with the next breath, I have the answer. You are making such an effort to separate that you insult and resist, creating tension. We know what you want. We will help you get there. Get out of your own way and see only through Love’s eyes. What have I not forgiven? You don’t have to forget, just forgive. Then you will not re-live. What do you want me to know? You are safe. There is no “new” information. We keep telling the same story. We will keep telling until all listen, hear and heed. This will be the triumph of God’s glory indeed. If the Divine and the host of angels are telling me “I am safe” how can I dare fear, fear anything? There is nothing for me to believe. Knowing is enough, knowing Truth. Truth speaks to me. I know Truth’s language. I hear Truth’s voice. I answer Truth’s call. I am “home safe” in Truth. Feel safe. Feel love. Feel comforted. I hold you in My hand. You are My heart. Why do people hurt others so? It is fear. Their actions come from fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the different. They feel threatened by the other and lash out. It is fear.
Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
Lessons learned, like badges earned from Heaven. See more ways to live fully through Me each day. A smooth interface depends on how deep your inner faith, your trust in Me. Trust in Me. Trust in Me completely with your being. I made you. I know you. I am you at heart. In your heart’s deepest recesses I live. Bring Me to light. Let Me shine in your eyes. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
March 29, 2011 - Journal Entry I’m alive today. I’ve learned some lessons. I still have a lot of time on my hands. Don’t worry your pretty little head. I live in “the zone” just call me “Flow,” angels watching over me. I can judge no one. I have no place, no right. Everyone has a unique journey. The only path I have walked and can walk is my own. I believe in laughter. What you see now it’s all temporary. The only thing that lasts is Love. I’m not realistic. I was lead here. Instead of saying, “I don’t know what it is” say, “I’ll be shown what it is.” Play along, these signs say. Trust Me. Trust Yourself. Desperation is lousy inspiration. ![]() The Sky is No Limit 5' x 4' oil on canvas Debra Clemente Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente October 10, 2011 - Journal Entry Then of course there are the writings, the writings upon writings that fill journal upon journal. To date I average filling two journals a month with amazing wisdom, thoughts and teachings that pour forth so generously and easily from the fount of my most inner and highest being-ness. At least that is my current comprehension of this source. I think of it as my God connection. I call it The Wisdom Channel when my family questions from where I get my facts when I answer a posed question with the confidence of one who speaks with authority. I do speak and write with confidence that I am speaking and writing the truth, for I have full faith in this source, which I believe is “The Source,” the one and only true source of all. I didn’t always know so, no, not at all. It’s almost like I was tricked into this writing. Not in any deceitful way but if someone had clearly told me from the beginning that I was to listen to and record the promptings of an inner voice, well I would have been so much more that skeptical. I would have been so freaked out with every random thought that I would have probably admitted my own self to the “funny farm.” But thank God, Yes, thank you God, for not handling it that way, for my trust was gained by a much softer and gentler approach. I signed myself up for what I felt was almost a game. Words and phrases started coming to me as inspirations that I thought sounded like wonderful names for paintings. In the few years before, the names of my paintings had evolved from a statement of referencing time, place and subject to more esoteric concepts. Like Enlightenment and Look at the Bright Side and The Sky is No Limit. Now, I also see that the works themselves had emerged from within my own being, not specifically referencing a particular time, place or subject. When it came time to name a painting, I would just stand in front of it and wait for one of these ideas to pop in my head. I never second-guessed the idea, for I was always humored and delighted by each original idea presented. Besides, as I was such a prolific painter, I was always so thankful to have a painting title come to me, so it was never a chore. One day, I was inspired to write down words and phrases that were coming to me which sounded like excellent painting titles. So I began writing each phrase down like a list as it came to me. Then I would click my pen closed, lay it down and turn my attention back to whatever I had been doing. But it seemed that just the moment I set the pen down that another great idea would pop into my head. I thought it was fun and a game. I remember saying to my husband David how I had a lot of painting to do as I already had the names of over 800 paintings. I thought it was funny and pondered the idea of reversing my creative process and beginning with a title and allow the image to flow forth from that inspiration instead of the process of creating as image and having a title inspired by such. I never read back through them. I never saw the importance but I do remember wondering if I was repeating phrases and if I should edit the thoughts by not writing down “a title” I had written before. But I soon decided not to edit the words and just let them flow. I didn’t at that time have any idea how or really why these ideas were coming to me. I got my brain involved for a while in the beginning and started looking for great words and phrases. I would underline them in magazines articles and advertising. But that didn’t last too long for I found I didn’t have to work at this, the task at hand was to write down whatever came to me on whatever I could find to write it on. It was a lot like how my art ideas have come to me. An idea forms in my mind begging to be expressed and until it is my mind cannot rest. So to appease my mind, I had to empty it of each idea as it came. And the more I did it the more that came. I couldn’t think about it. I had to remove my mind from the process. I never sat with pen in hand and stared at the paper wondering what to write next. I just wrote what I was given as it was given. I learned to always have within reach a notebook and kept several handy. Not ever considering that it was important when or where I jotted down each idea. It was just a game I played with myself. Gradually, I was inspired to write out more flowing essay type ideas. The thoughts expressed and wisdom offered amazed me. I treasured the wisdom which was so apropos to everything I questioned about life and never doubted the authority behind it. It is now my understanding that the words of wisdom that flow through and to me, are for sure Divine Inspirations. But, I wondered, just how did I ever manage to be such a channel for such Divine Wisdom? And then I thought back to the multitude of “painting titles,” words which I had never assumed told any story or were any form of communication. When this idea came to me just a few months ago I literally ran to the cabinet where I have stuffed my old painting title journals. As I read I was stunned. There was an amazing continuity to the words and phrases, a conversation, communication, messages, wisdom, love, all there, all the time. It was if was if Spirit was tapping the door of my mind. “Hello, we are here, are you listening? All is well. Keep it up. Each day is better. Look up, love is all around you.” Extract from the book – Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
When I was a child, my mother often asked me, as I restlessly wiggled around, if I had “ants in my pants?” She never spoke of “Inner Fear Ants” but I am coming to believe that they are rampant in our society and the infestation of such is the cause of most of the commotion. Just like regular ants, ““Inner Fear Ants” keep quite busy and this busyness creates a constant buzz. It sounds like this “I can’t, too hard, not enough, too late, too much, all alone, what’s next, I’m lost, I’m scared, no good, no God.” The job of “Inner Fear Ants” is the building up of egos. They have excellent job security for the more work they do and the more noise they create the more threatened and alone people feel. And the more they feel the need to fortify and build up the walls of their egos, again creating more work, and job opportunities for the ““Inner Fear Ants” I’m pretty sure none of us are born with “Inner Fear Ants” and yet it all seems so normal because it is all we remember. The buzz, buzz, buzz of the “Inner Fear Ants” at work is constant as our fragile egos require continual repair and reinforcement. It’s like living in a commercial construction zone, saws buzzing, metal clanging, jackhammers rattling. You have to yell to communicate and then it’s hard to decipher a voice in the clamor. Imagining such one can begin to understand how a whisper would be lost, silenced, drowned, never even imagined or listened for. That’s just what happens to the voice of God, the small still voice that is constantly speaking to each of us. It is drowned out by the constant clamor of our “Inner Fear Ants.” Is it a surprise to you that God is speaking to you at this very moment, that you have always been connected so? Would you like to hear the Voice of God? Would you like to hear directly how much you are loved? First you have to walk away from the construction zone, away from the clamor of life, a way from your ego. A desert, a mountaintop, or even a closet will do. Just get away by yourself as you close the door on the chatter; you open the door to Heaven where God awaits. “I don’t hear a thing,” you may say at first. Wait, I say. Be patient and ask for God’s help. God has always heard you. Stop the noise. Stop the interference of the “Inner Fear Ants” in their tracks. Stomp on them. Say, “Let go my ego go. Let God in. Let God begin.” Speak to God. Ask for more of His Love. Ask God to fill you with his blessed “Divine Love.” Ask God to hush your “Inner Fear Ants” and listen in. ♥ ♥ Listen, be still and know. Know that I Am. I Am God. ♥ ♥ My mind used to be filled with pain and fear. Now it is filled with love and comfort.
See how far you have come. It is truly a delight. I delight in you. Delight in Me. Delight in Me in you. Oh yes, this is the way. It is and shall be. Walk with Me. It was a whole new concept, the idea that I should fix me, not everyone else. Talk about a hard pill to swallow. But swallow you did, not all at once for sure. You broke it up into little pieces and nibbled on it from time to time. Bitter booger wasn’t it? But see how sweet life tastes now? How you can enjoy the company of, actually delight in the company, of those who you had determined to fix if it killed you, and in fact it was. My first decision was that I was going to learn mind control. I jokingly said that, knowing all the while that it was my own mind I wished to tame. As I explored and researched ways of doing this, new information continually came to light, very shocking and unsettling information which I didn’t just take as a truth and swallow whole. Again, I picked over each bone and investigated and tested the teachings. Yes, you did. We were so proud of you. This is how it is supposed to be for when you did accept each concept new to you blind belief was not needed, for you knew their truth by your own testing and proving. After having spent so many days of so many years in continual physical pain and limitation I was deeply offended to hear it said that it was of my own creation. That really pissed me off. It’s surprising now that I didn’t just slam that book shut and kick it down the stairs. You were so curious. You were so wanting and desiring better for your life that you closed no door to possibility. This is what is needed by all an open mind. It is the mind that is “made up” that has no room to grow. The thing that kept bugging me about the whole “law of attraction” thing was that the ideas that had until that point formed the foundation of my ideas of life, my understanding of what was and shall be were rocked, rocked back and forth. The ground beneath my feet no longer felt firm. If this was so, the law of attraction and all the tricks and tweaks to life as presented in The Secret, what was true of God and Jesus as I knew? How did all that fit in? I was not so easily swayed to believe that someone could replace the word “God” with “the Universe” or “Spirit” in a sentence and just move on. It’s also true that prayer had lost its power and magic over me. I had continually turned to “the Church” for answers and comfort and left at a loss for all. My needs were not met. My answers were not coming. But God, or the idea I had always held of God, had a hold on me and said “Keep looking, seek and ye shall find.” One very important thing, actually I know it was the most important thing I have ever found, proclaimed and received is a Divine Love prayer titled, The Prayer Perfect. I found on the internet, happened upon, as it seemed while on this truth quest. The person that posted it challenged the reader to pray the prayer twice daily for fifteen minutes and that whoever did so would never experience life again the same. There would be a wondrous, internal and permanent change. So as is always my way, I didn’t follow his prayer outline to the letter or even the word. Just as I can’t seem to follow a recipe as written, I cannot pray someone else’s prayer. So, I created my own inspired by the given prayer. Mine was simpler and flowed gracefully from my lips. Most importantly, I could remember it and creatively embellish it with flourishing concepts as I prayed and desired in prayer. Divine Love fill me Divine Love flow through me Divine Love be me. That’s pretty much the gist of it. So I did it, every time I remembered about it I stopped and said it. I wasn’t even sure what “Divine Love” was. It didn’t really feel like a prayer or sound like one, almost like an incantation or a spell. I remember shortly there after things changing for me. More and more my actions, my seemingly thoughtless actions, surprised me. By “thoughtless,” I don’t mean not considerate of others. I mean I didn’t pre-think my actions and they were so amazingly thoughtful of others it was if I knew beyond my own mind how to be of the right help at the right time. I would continually say and do the right thing. “Hold on a minute,” I heard a voice inside me say, “You are surprised at your actions but haven’t you just been praying for God’s Love to flow through you and become you?” Was I? Did I? Is that what Divine Love was? I needed to know, for I had never heard it spoken of that way. Divine Love, what was it really? What was happening to me and had any other experienced such and written about it? |
excerpts from:
about the book
I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation