April 11, 2011 - Journal Entry
We keep losing it. As an evolving society we seem to continually lose and rediscover things, ideas, and notions. I often ponder how the formula for making concrete was “lost” for so very many years after the building of the Roman Empire.
People die and their ideas die with them whether it is an understanding of technology or even spirituality. So many spiritually evolved beings have walked the earth. Many creating a strong following for the “new ideas” presented and lived. But just as the formula for concrete material translated through the generations loses its magic and holding power, the energy of these awakened beings seems to fade, dilute and be reformulated with passing years. The integrity and strength of both of these “thought forms” weakens and again is lost.
Attempts are made, formulas rewritten, but none can be proven. The key is again lost waiting to be found, to be seen, and again discovered with new eyes and fresh hearts willing to look at what is. Thank God for the seekers. They shall find what they look for.