The time of Jesus that is lost, or not recorded in the Bible, was His time of growth, His time of Self /God realization. To the world He seemed not one to take much notice of, for He was not a physical manifester. He was not intent on being caught up in the world. His focus, His desire was finding and manifesting Me perfectly. Thus so, He was lost to the world. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
An understanding has to be made in my own heart and in the hearts of all. What is the will of God and how can one follow it? Is it the Bible?
The will of God in its completeness will never be written on paper by any hand for eyes to read. For the will of God, just like God, is unlimited and thus infinite. The will of God can only truly be known by heart. Not by any form of memorization but by heart knowings given to man individually through his heart, to and through the heart of a man who has chosen to crucify his own will and live through the will of God. Man may thus desire God’s will, but man may never follow or truly know God’s will by any will of his own. Change is needed, a magnificent change of heart, all the work of God. By the order of God, God’s Divine Love is poured into the supplicant heart. This Divine Love, the very essence of God, is the changing and transforming source of power. This special love of God is what makes one know, do and live God’s will. God’s voice is heard, “the Comforter” has come and He is known as “The Father.” The most Loving Father lives in one’s heart to guide and direct step by step. This is the will of God as chosen by man. Man cannot have it two ways. He cannot adore the world and adore God. The bible has told us so. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all good things shall be added unto thee. Have no other idols before Me. What is a sin? A sin is not knowing God. Is it a sin to dance? No, not in itself. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. When God is in your heart you will feel like dancing. Who cares to hear? I do. I want to know the fullness of the Truth. Do not preach to anyone. Allow these words and your life to speak for themselves. Preaching is saying, “You should do this or you should do that.” to another. You may tell them the story of your life and minister to them but do not preach. The will of God can only be given unto each ones heart. Forget what you know from the words of others and follow unto Me. I will bring you home. You have nothing to prove unto Me. You do not need to prove your purity. You do not need to prove your worthiness for My Love takes care of all and purifies each soul. There is no work for you to do but to surrender your all. Surrender your belief in yourself, in the power of your own will. This is how you are to come to Me to live through Me and living through Me, My will will flow naturally. To each his own, it is by birthright the right of each human to choose the way of his life. He may choose the ways of his father’s, his own or the ways of God. To follow the way of God in true form one is not to attempt to conform his will unto God’s will but to supplicate his own will and ask God to so fill him with His love and light that God’s will becomes his own. So you say that is hard to listen to another tell of their faith and their life, which they believe is ordained by God, when you believe that way is not true. I say stop judging. This is what is hard for you, the feeling you are having that the way you believe is right for you, is right for all. Truly, you do not know. Stop believing so. Stop judging. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente You have no reason to prove God to anyone else. You have no need to prove these writings to anyone. All is to be taken by any other for their own consideration of value and merit for their own life. Each has their own work to do. Whether they choose to investigate on their own can only be their choice. It is only their business, not yours. So leave those thoughts alone.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente Stop looking for someone else
to validate you. Find your reason for being within yourself. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente The role of any way-shower, guru or faith practice, which leads to Truth, is as a guide and not a destination in it’s self. Their proper goal is to lead their follower to the knowing of each one’s Inner Wisdom, the eternal loving Father, Mother of all.
These statements come to mind just after a question has come to my mind. I know that of which I speak. I speak Truth through this pen in your hand. My husband says, “You are possessed by that paper.” and I agree. Say what you like and if you like what someone else does tell them. Everyone enjoys an encouraging word. So many people are afraid to question life, to question God, as if to do so is a sin or error thinking. Actually, the error that occurs is that one does not ponder God and thus misses the opportunity to know God and the fullness of life in God’s love. You are full of joy. Joyful you are. Be joy to the world. There is a way, more than one way, more than one chance, more than one opportunity to know God. God gives up on no one. Don’t give up on God. God is good. Good for all. Yea God! You cannot pull anyone closer. You can only draw near with your light, with your love, which is My Light and My Love, Debra of God. Life is very flavorful and has many layers of flavor. Come taste My Sweet Life. Let Me treat you to the Life Divine. There is nothing bad about technology, nothing. No power is bad or good in its self. It is all a matter of how the power is used and that each is considered as a tool to ultimate understanding of truth, good for all. Tell Me something good. Look for it, see it and talk about it. How do you know what is good for you? It is that which feels good and harms none. It is important to feel good everywhere and all the time. You want to speak. You want to be heard. Everyone does. Everyone wants to be heard. We do as well. Thanks for listening. There is much to be learned by listening. When you can observe without judgment, you will know you have arrived, arrived unto My Kingdom. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente Trust all is well, this is what is meant by having faith in God. God is good so we are to believe as God’s children that all of God’s goodness is available to each of us as well. We are to trust in God, trust in God’s goodness, purely and completely, without doubt or fear. For God is Love and Love does not know fear. No fear, God is near waiting in love with love to welcome all to the center of His heart Eden, Heaven on Earth.
When you know something you are sure, you are certain, you are confident. I know I am loved. I dwell in the house of the Lord, the Lord of love. I have built an altar in my heart for God’s Divine Love. God has told me, yes told me, that I am safe, safe in love. Fear not My beloveds. Know Me. Know Love. Know, no fear. When we worry we are fearing, fearing bad, fearing not being totally cared for. We are imagining living outside of God’s love. Did you know this? Had you ever thought of it this way? Rethink what it means to surrender to God, to surrender to the power of Love. Love is power, the most powerful energy of all, the energy that creates worlds, worlds of good, the energy that is available for the asking in each moment. Ask and it is given. Ask for God’s guidance, care and love. Then listen. Heed. Give thanks and share the love. When you want to know, you ask. When someone wants to know they will ask, when they are interested. They have to have interest to care, to care what you say. So until you are asked, save your breath. Breath deep, know and trust that living well is the best you can do to show what you know. Nothing is bad or good in itself. It just is. It is what you make of it. It’s what you think of it that matters, that matters to you. Someone else may choose to think entirely differently about the subject at hand and thus have a different experience and that is okay for it to be that way. No one is to judge another for their personal choices. It is certainly enough to concern yourself with making the right choices for you. But here’s the good news, when you choose God, you choose good, you choose Love at every turn and all is good in return. It can be no other way when you choose God’s way. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
Don’t look elsewhere; you hold the power for your life deep inside. Bring it to the surface. Rise up. Shine on. Be My Light in the world. Tell My story, the story of My love. Act it out. Be the star. I will guide you line by line, scene by scene. What you need is here.
What don’t you understand My love? You don’t have to know it all. You can’t. You never will. But you can know just what you need to know in each moment. Trust in this and I will feed you. I will give you My All as you need. There is no waste, no want, in Heaven. Be with Me now in peace, in love. I am waiting deep in the center of your heart. Psalms, songs, praises to God. So sweet, so deep the love God gives from above to one’s heart. Reaping what has been sown. Seeds not scattered, but sown deep within one’s soul. Watered with tears of repentance on bended knee, error thoughts weeded from the mind. What glorious flowers bloom, prayers answered. Make me a channel for Your peace. Make me a channel for Your love. Fill my heart with Your transforming love. Bring me peace on the wings of a dove. Oh, my heart, desires You so. For only You know the depths of my being and complete my story, the story of Love untold. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente I believe all the good stuff is divinely inspired, pure and simple, not complicated, just good. You know the prayer that begins “God is good?” I used to think that “good” was meant to be an attribute of God. Now I see that the true meaning if that “God equals good,” they are synonymous. Just like God is love. The purest form of love, Divine Love equals God. That is the love Paul spoke about, not many people know Divine Love nor express it. Instead they confuse human love with all it’s tendencies for error as the best it gets. Human love, which we are all innately capable of, can be good but it is not perfect. We know this because we have each been hurt by this love. As much as one tries to love fully, our humanness gets in the way.
True love, Divine Love never hurts. It feels oh, so good! Good to receive it and good to share it. It’s “the real deal,” what we have all been waiting for, what we keep looking for. This stuff, Divine Love, truly satisfies, satisfies the soul. The only hunger there is, is for more and more Divine Love. It’s a good hunger feeling because it’s the purest desire which God gladly will continue to pour out into your soul upon earnest request. Most probably don’t have a reference point to this matter of which I speak. I certainly did not even just two years ago, but now I know. I know the truth, the truth of which Jesus spoke, the truth of God’s love which is available for all, he told us how, he showed us how, he told us we could have a relationship with God just as he. He called God “Father.” Did Jesus ever say “God?” I remember only “My Father, who art in Heaven.” This distinguished title told us he was not referring to Joseph, his earthly father. I as well know the “Father” feeling. My Father, Who is in Heaven, hallowed be His Name, because no name, no word is sufficient. I know my Father, who is in Heaven. He has called my name. Actually, there is no “He” or “She,” as this Great Spirit has no sex. Attributes of both male and female are part of God but God cannot be defined by either. That concept is again limiting. I guess it just feels right to say “He” because “He” is more personal than “It.” So I say, “My Father, Great Spirit, who is everywhere and all.” I know my Father, who is in Heaven. He feels like the most loving and caring spirit. The only reference point I have to this feeling is the love given to me by my own birth parents. My birth father has now risen, raised above the earth plane. I know this. I know much. Much is communicated to me in such a pure loving way. I know that this is communication from my father, yet which father? The One The One and only True Being All All is well. All is well with me. Say it again All is well and all will be Keep thinking of Me. And Love said To each his own What you give you get It’s good to learn Nice to see you smile. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation