Life is to be a love story, a light hearted joyful tale, a divine comedy of sort. Do you see the humor, the compassion, the truth? Are you an actor fulfilling a role which you have been given, reading a script written long before your first breath? Do you know what your next breath brings? Do you believe your destiny has been written? Do you believe you write your own life story, fully in charge of the outcome? Are you a villain, an innocent victim, or a victor? What is the story of your life? What do you believe? What would you like to know? What would you like to feel?
What is a free thinker?
One who is not confined by the known. One who opens his mind to new knowings thus able to discover the undiscovered, which has been covered by man’s inability to see more than what is. Thank you for asking.
Google has nothing on the wisdom which I have access to, the wisdom of the ages. What has been and what can be.
Yes, a free thinking human is so free!
Unlimited access to the Power that be, makes me free! Why wouldn’t one want to know all one can know?
Give your mind a rest. Life is not a test. The Sermon on the Mount’s theme was “Blessed be the…” not “Damned be the…”
What good does it do you to repeat the complaining words of another? None, zilch! If someone else feels they have been wronged it is their business, as it is their own beliefs, or truth, which has created it and will sustain it. Is this the kind of thing you wish to create in your own life, discord? It is not for you to mediate anyone else’s felt wrongs. Walk away and bid farewell to those with woes. Offer a blessing for better days to come.
Better days to come. You can not put words into anyone else’s mouth but you can put them into their mind by speaking them mindfully. Speak the truth you know. Live well. Show. Others will see. Others will feel. Others will be touched by your presence. Show up well.
So, I am seeing this clearer, this God-me relationship, the whole parent-childness of it. When any or either of my children comes to me asking for my help and love I feel that I cannot pour forth enough or quickly enough. I know there is no limit to the amount I can and will give, nor to the time I will spend doing such. How great my love. How great Thy Love.
There is no need for any mediator or translator between us either. For even if either party would lose their voice or their mind, our love would still connect us. The ones who once suckled at my breast and fed on my every word are now very capable adults. Standing on their own two feet quite well, most of the time. But they still trip and fall like all. And when they are down and call up to me I will be there to pick them up, to hold and comfort them, to give them my wisdom, my guidance, my love. This is parenting in love is an honor, a responsibility, a calling, a gift, a gift from God.
I know God as my Father, my Father in heaven. I feel the warmth and safety of His Love. I hear His guiding and encouraging Words. There is no greater title than “Father” or “Mother” for God for me. It signifies a very personal relationship, a two way street of sort, an open channel of communication.
I speak, I listen, and I hear. I cry and I am comforted. I am guided. I obey. I am given responsibilities. I am given lessons. I am rewarded for my work. I grow in faith. I grow in love. I rise up a better being, one in being with my Father. As I mature in my love for my Father, I become more and more of His Nature. His ways are my ways. My load is lightened.
Heaven is the womb of God from which one’s soul is birthed and that to which it returns. Your body is an earthly treasure made just for you, for your earthly journey. Dust to dust. It is not risen up.
What is this feeling I have? From where does this come? Whose voice do I hear comforting me, loving me, guiding me? Is it you, my Father?
I love you too much for words!
My Father who art in Heaven? Don Brown is it you? It certainly feels like your love. Who else could it be without skin on that loves me so much? Is it you God calling my name? Or are you one in spirit, are you now the same?
You get to do what you really want in life. Did you know that? What you want is what you get. How so? It’s all about energy flow. What you give is what you get. Do you know what you are truly giving? Giving to the world? Do you understand the signals you send and their power? You are a powerful creator, you being you. You have the power to create the life you want. The trick is you have to understand the rules of this game of life you are living.
Rules of life, for life, for all of life. It is not necessarily what you think it is, the way you think life works. You think there is luck. Some are lucky and some aren’t. You think life is hard work. You think you will never be able to live your wildest dreams. You are right in your thinking. For if you think so you will create it so. You see, whatever you think about you bring about. “Not so,” you say. “I’ve never heard it that way. That cannot be, for my mother never told me.” Are you sure? Can you not recall her words?
“If you cannot say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Put your best foot forward. Be grateful for what you have. Never, say never. Think about what you want. Rise and shine. Want the best for all. Expect the best. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Take care of your brother. We are family, family first. Have a good day. Don’t be a worry wart. Dream big. I believe in you. Believe in yourself. You can do it.”
Not all have had such wonderful parenting. Yes, it is a shame. But we are not here now to talk in blame. I will share a story now that is for all. A love story without limits, that will make you stand tall. Amazing “Parental Love” is available now, here for each and I’ll tell you how.
Imagine the best parent you can, the best of a mother’s and father’s love rolled into one, an immense spirit of love, of tenderness and caring, of listening and sharing. Since before the beginning of time such a “Spirit of Love” was and is. We have each felt it at one time or another to some degree. We have known that there was an “Other,” that there was some force so great in this world. But only a few have known “This Love” so intimately that it felt like the love of Mother.
Just as the best parents want the best for each child, this force, this “Power of Love,” wants the best for each of us. This One Power, this Holy One, waits close by at the door of your mind waiting to be invited in, to be a part of your life. Desiring so to shower each with gifts of His Divine Love, love like no other than has been known before.
His first “spiritually reborn” has shown the way life can be when one is reborn in spirit by being filled with Divine Love continually. He called “Him” His Father who art in Heaven. Our Father, He said, loves us all the same. There is only Love, no blame. Recognize “The Family,” We are here together now. This is what He taught and showed us how.
These words are gifts given in the hour of my need. Meant for me and meant for sharing, for all eyes and ears indeed. So I share what comes to me as it flows, as I am given to know. I know this Love is for all. I have to keep my mind out of it. I know more than I can say.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente