Video presentation of excerpt a from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story illuminated with paintings by the author Debra Clemente. The Art of Debra Clemente Originals and Prints
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An understanding has to be made in my own heart and in the hearts of all. What is the will of God and how can one follow it? Is it the Bible?
The will of God in its completeness will never be written on paper by any hand for eyes to read. For the will of God, just like God, is unlimited and thus infinite. The will of God can only truly be known by heart. Not by any form of memorization but by heart knowings given to man individually through his heart, to and through the heart of a man who has chosen to crucify his own will and live through the will of God. Man may thus desire God’s will, but man may never follow or truly know God’s will by any will of his own. Change is needed, a magnificent change of heart, all the work of God. By the order of God, God’s Divine Love is poured into the supplicant heart. This Divine Love, the very essence of God, is the changing and transforming source of power. This special love of God is what makes one know, do and live God’s will. God’s voice is heard, “the Comforter” has come and He is known as “The Father.” The most Loving Father lives in one’s heart to guide and direct step by step. This is the will of God as chosen by man. Man cannot have it two ways. He cannot adore the world and adore God. The bible has told us so. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all good things shall be added unto thee. Have no other idols before Me. What is a sin? A sin is not knowing God. Is it a sin to dance? No, not in itself. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. When God is in your heart you will feel like dancing. Who cares to hear? I do. I want to know the fullness of the Truth. Do not preach to anyone. Allow these words and your life to speak for themselves. Preaching is saying, “You should do this or you should do that.” to another. You may tell them the story of your life and minister to them but do not preach. The will of God can only be given unto each ones heart. Forget what you know from the words of others and follow unto Me. I will bring you home. You have nothing to prove unto Me. You do not need to prove your purity. You do not need to prove your worthiness for My Love takes care of all and purifies each soul. There is no work for you to do but to surrender your all. Surrender your belief in yourself, in the power of your own will. This is how you are to come to Me to live through Me and living through Me, My will will flow naturally. To each his own, it is by birthright the right of each human to choose the way of his life. He may choose the ways of his father’s, his own or the ways of God. To follow the way of God in true form one is not to attempt to conform his will unto God’s will but to supplicate his own will and ask God to so fill him with His love and light that God’s will becomes his own. So you say that is hard to listen to another tell of their faith and their life, which they believe is ordained by God, when you believe that way is not true. I say stop judging. This is what is hard for you, the feeling you are having that the way you believe is right for you, is right for all. Truly, you do not know. Stop believing so. Stop judging. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente I write without the participation of my own thoughts, for if I did my mind would edit and question each word as it is given. Thus attempting to control and limit this wonderful, most pure, form of expression to humanity from our Creator, the Spirit Divine, direct from Divine Mind, the “Word of God.”
God is not about rules. God doesn’t desire a “pleasing behavior” from us. God is Love. God wants us to know and be filled with His love. With the infilling of His Divine Love, His ways will be realized, “His will” will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is the truth of God. I know, I can know. I would like to find out. I am a channel for God’s love. Listen to your heart speak. Open up your heart. Join forces with the All. You have access to a higher perspective. It is taken care of. All you asked is given. Give thanks for this knowing. I pour out thanks from my heart, from the very depths of my spirit, my soul, as I know I am fully blessed. All God’s Bounty is mine. All my needs are met. I have such faith in God’s everlasting goodness proven unto me by my faith. I am to be a marker, a sign for others. Let my life be a signpost, a beacon of hope for all others. For all this I give thanks unto God. I hear a voice. The voice of Love sings such a sweet song to my soul. A lullaby as comforting as a mother’s cooing unto her infant, the voice assures me all is well. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
Those whom believe in despair, despair they shall find, professed holy men or not. The glad heart honors God. The Earth’s bounty is for all to claim and enjoy the fruits of. The objective of life on Earth is to recognize and enjoy the fruits of My Kingdom while as well enjoying the fruits and pleasures of the physical world I have created for you. Hiding and holing away to bar yourself from temptation is not living as I intended. You are to love yourself and others. How can you love your brother if you cannot look him in the eye?
I have seen your pain. I have seen your struggle. Try as you may to obey even the most devout of you have not found a way to live in the world and yet not be of it. I have seen this. I know this. That is why I made the new plan, gave you a new promise. I promised to comfort you and bring you wisdom, give you My strength to hold fast to My ways, to take away your sin by taking away your temptation, all while fully living with your two feet planted in your world. You have not understood what has been said, you have misinterpreted My promise. Yes, Christ was to return but not again in the form he once did. It is you My child whom are to become Christ as well. With My gift this is possible, for the way is the same. Jesus, as Christ showed you. He told you that you could be as he and far greater works you could do. What I gave to him I offer as well to you My love, My Divine Love implanted into your hearts. You do not need to change who you are to become worthy of My love. My child I love you so much, you are already worthy. All I ask is that you ask continually for My love, for My will to become yours. You have to want Me more than life itself; more than the life you know. You have to want to know Me. Show Me this earnestness in your heart and I will give you My love and change your heart. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation