The Art of Debra Clemente Originals and Prints
Video presentation of excerpt a from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story illuminated with paintings by the author Debra Clemente. The Art of Debra Clemente Originals and Prints
I just remembered how mad I am. It’s okay, Jesus said I would be (Gospel of Thomas) and I am. I am not going to deny this feeling right now, though I know I will move on past it to perfection. I’m mad because I have lived in a world built of untruths, packaged as the way to Peace and Perfection. I have been sold a bill of goods. I am mad because I see it now. I see the unreality being perpetuated before me in all in the Name of God my Father. I see the limitations imposed and taught. I understand how tradition has killed the spirit of the seeker.
Man has been told, by man, that all to be known is known. “The rules have been written and here they are. Don’t question, doubt or look any further.” Jesus said, “Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God and all good things will be added unto thee.” Seek ye, you seek. When one is seeking, searching, they are digging, looking high and low for something they want, that is lost, not found to them. Like the child’s game of “warmer-cooler” Jesus gave clues. “The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is not in the sky or over there.” He did not tell anyone to open a book. He had studied them, the Torah (the books of the old Testament), as well, but did not ever say one’s salvation or entrance into the Kingdom of God depended upon the quoting of any verse or knowing the linage of any of his ancestors. He had good news, different news, He indicated that this knowledge of God was hidden from the intellects. So it wasn’t a thinking thing, and can’t be experienced by reading any instructions given by any other. It has to be sought beyond the mind. That’s where I have found God, beyond my mind, beyond my brain, out of my thinking. Jesus told us to go away to a quiet place to spend time with God, a deserted place, a closet, seclusion, so one’s mind can detach from distractions, from the physical sensations of life and rest, so one can quiet one’s being as to hear the small still voice that continually speaks within. That is our God connection. That is the open door where God waits, ready in our hearts for acknowledgement. Let your mind take rest and just be. Be peaceful, restful, rest in the peace of God. You may not hear God’s voice at first as the static of your mind may be so loud. It takes time to tune into the “God Channel,” but practice makes perfect. The more time one spends seeking God’s voice and wisdom, the more peaceful one will become without ever consciously being aware of direct thoughts or words. But as one makes this seeking a daily practice more good will come. It will become easier and more comfortable. Then, bit by bit, this peace will flow out into the rest of one’s life and as it does the seeker will begin to crave and thirst for more peace from their inner sanctum. Part of this process is dropping the ego self, the mindful part of each of us who is constantly thinking, “Me, me, what about me?” And instead go into the silence with no agenda but comfort and peace, seeking to feel and know the presence of God. Changes, quiet changes are being made to one’s very being just by being a seeker. Subtle changes, awareness, knowings, thoughts, feelings and words become evident to one’s psyche while in and out of the quiet zone. Gratitude and love are felt and naturally expressed. The load lightens. As one is inspired to act and as one does and is grateful for more, more wisdom teachings are handed to the seeker, student of life and love. It is not a way of learning. It is a way of knowing, knowing God’s love and knowing all God’s truth and wisdom. There is a burn in the heart, yes, a most wonderful heartburn, a fire, an energy felt in the heart zone center of one’s physical self. It is the “Fire of Refinement”, as the alchemy of God purifies one’s soul changing a common metal, our humanness, into a Pure Golden Heart. So why am I not going to church, to Mass? Because that information is not serving me anymore, it is actually hindering my path to enlightenment, to my full presence of the Kingdom of God. It is not that I don’t believe in God, and it is not that I don’t acknowledge the saving power of Christ’s message. It is that I through my own journey as a “seeker,” I have found a much more profound realization of God and a truer understanding of Jesus the Christ’s message. I have physically been in some of the “holiest” places on earth, as declared by “the Church” and been moved only visually by the manmade beauty. Not at all moved spiritually, yet, stepping into the sunshine and breathing the fresh air I am filled with a Wondrous Loving Spirit that can be God and no less. I find God within as I settle my mind and body. At rest, at peace, He comes forward to me and fills me with His love and wisdom. I have found this “love of my life”, whom I have been seeking. All I desire is more closeness, more Divine Love filling my soul. I do believe that others within the boundaries of the formal church have as well experienced this completeness, this wholeness, this holiness of which I speak and seek. But they have been far and few in between. And instead of holding them and their lives up as lanterns for the people, lighting the way, the people whom people have put in charge say: “No, you are not worthy. This sainthood is not for everyone. Who are you to ever begin to think that you could ever be so holy? Remember, you are but a sinner. You are lowly.” Many may argue that this is the message indeed, but I can only say that it was the message I received. People are massed, herded and paraded through rituals that are to give comfort but to many they are but mere tradition. Jesus of Nazareth, as Christ, denied the “faith of his fathers” and walked his own path. He said each had to do this as well. Be a seeker, not a preacher or a follower. Want to know; want to know God’s love. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. So I say, I am finding my own way, searching for clues, breadcrumbs dropped by others while they made their own journeys. Some will say, “This is not right. You are wrong!” I say, it is right for me I know. It may not be the path for you. There are many roads to the top of the mountain. Some are filled with weeds and boulders as they have hardly been traversed. Go your own way, but go in peace. May peace be with you, the peace that was meant to be. And all that being said, I would love to find a spiritual community that supports my personal seeking and knowing experience. I so yearn to be able to communicate and share these profound, deep and true experiences I am having as I live this life. I want to touch another and be touched by another with skin on, who knows and is living a similar journey. Please put this person, these people in my path. Bring them to me. I want to live full. I want to share my joy. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente I believe all the good stuff is divinely inspired, pure and simple, not complicated, just good. You know the prayer that begins “God is good?” I used to think that “good” was meant to be an attribute of God. Now I see that the true meaning if that “God equals good,” they are synonymous. Just like God is love. The purest form of love, Divine Love equals God. That is the love Paul spoke about, not many people know Divine Love nor express it. Instead they confuse human love with all it’s tendencies for error as the best it gets. Human love, which we are all innately capable of, can be good but it is not perfect. We know this because we have each been hurt by this love. As much as one tries to love fully, our humanness gets in the way.
True love, Divine Love never hurts. It feels oh, so good! Good to receive it and good to share it. It’s “the real deal,” what we have all been waiting for, what we keep looking for. This stuff, Divine Love, truly satisfies, satisfies the soul. The only hunger there is, is for more and more Divine Love. It’s a good hunger feeling because it’s the purest desire which God gladly will continue to pour out into your soul upon earnest request. Most probably don’t have a reference point to this matter of which I speak. I certainly did not even just two years ago, but now I know. I know the truth, the truth of which Jesus spoke, the truth of God’s love which is available for all, he told us how, he showed us how, he told us we could have a relationship with God just as he. He called God “Father.” Did Jesus ever say “God?” I remember only “My Father, who art in Heaven.” This distinguished title told us he was not referring to Joseph, his earthly father. I as well know the “Father” feeling. My Father, Who is in Heaven, hallowed be His Name, because no name, no word is sufficient. I know my Father, who is in Heaven. He has called my name. Actually, there is no “He” or “She,” as this Great Spirit has no sex. Attributes of both male and female are part of God but God cannot be defined by either. That concept is again limiting. I guess it just feels right to say “He” because “He” is more personal than “It.” So I say, “My Father, Great Spirit, who is everywhere and all.” I know my Father, who is in Heaven. He feels like the most loving and caring spirit. The only reference point I have to this feeling is the love given to me by my own birth parents. My birth father has now risen, raised above the earth plane. I know this. I know much. Much is communicated to me in such a pure loving way. I know that this is communication from my father, yet which father? The One The One and only True Being All All is well. All is well with me. Say it again All is well and all will be Keep thinking of Me. And Love said To each his own What you give you get It’s good to learn Nice to see you smile. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente Whenever your family gathers in celebration of their love and support for each other you are to know that the ones who have been a part of this circle of love are still a part of it and are truly present in spirit. So do not lower your heads in grief or sorrow for their departure. They are not limited in “being” by their lack of physical-ness. Low and behold, it is exactly the opposite, for they are no longer bound by physical restraints and can be and are with all they love all the time. Be comforted by this Truth. It is for you to know.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
How can this be?
Why can it not be? Why would you not want it to be? Does it not comfort you to know that you are not in this life alone? We are here for you. We are your most loving spiritual family. We come from a higher perspective on life, which we love to share with you and we will as you allow, as you will us to be a part of your life. We are God's Love for you. To know God is to know God's Love. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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about the book
I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente join the conversation