Psalms, songs, praises to God. So sweet, so deep the Love God gives from above to one’s heart. Reaping what has been sown. Seeds not scattered, but sown deep within one’s soul. Watered with tears of repentance on bended knee, error thoughts weeded from the mind. What glorious flowers bloom, prayers answered. |
Psalms, songs, praises to God. So sweet, so deep the Love God gives from above to one’s heart. Reaping what has been sown. Seeds not scattered, but sown deep within one’s soul. Watered with tears of repentance on bended knee, error thoughts weeded from the mind. What glorious flowers bloom, prayers answered.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente My mind used to be filled with pain and fear. Now it is filled with love and comfort.
See how far you have come. It is truly a delight. I delight in you. Delight in Me. Delight in Me in you. Oh yes, this is the way. It is and shall be. Walk with Me. It was a whole new concept, the idea that I should fix me, not everyone else. Talk about a hard pill to swallow. But swallow you did, not all at once for sure. You broke it up into little pieces and nibbled on it from time to time. Bitter booger wasn’t it? But see how sweet life tastes now? How you can enjoy the company of, actually delight in the company, of those who you had determined to fix if it killed you, and in fact it was. My first decision was that I was going to learn mind control. I jokingly said that, knowing all the while that it was my own mind I wished to tame. As I explored and researched ways of doing this, new information continually came to light, very shocking and unsettling information which I didn’t just take as a truth and swallow whole. Again, I picked over each bone and investigated and tested the teachings. Yes, you did. We were so proud of you. This is how it is supposed to be for when you did accept each concept new to you blind belief was not needed, for you knew their truth by your own testing and proving. After having spent so many days of so many years in continual physical pain and limitation I was deeply offended to hear it said that it was of my own creation. That really pissed me off. It’s surprising now that I didn’t just slam that book shut and kick it down the stairs. You were so curious. You were so wanting and desiring better for your life that you closed no door to possibility. This is what is needed by all an open mind. It is the mind that is “made up” that has no room to grow. The thing that kept bugging me about the whole “law of attraction” thing was that the ideas that had until that point formed the foundation of my ideas of life, my understanding of what was and shall be were rocked, rocked back and forth. The ground beneath my feet no longer felt firm. If this was so, the law of attraction and all the tricks and tweaks to life as presented in The Secret, what was true of God and Jesus as I knew? How did all that fit in? I was not so easily swayed to believe that someone could replace the word “God” with “the Universe” or “Spirit” in a sentence and just move on. It’s also true that prayer had lost its power and magic over me. I had continually turned to “the Church” for answers and comfort and left at a loss for all. My needs were not met. My answers were not coming. But God, or the idea I had always held of God, had a hold on me and said “Keep looking, seek and ye shall find.” One very important thing, actually I know it was the most important thing I have ever found, proclaimed and received is a Divine Love prayer titled, The Prayer Perfect. I found on the internet, happened upon, as it seemed while on this truth quest. The person that posted it challenged the reader to pray the prayer twice daily for fifteen minutes and that whoever did so would never experience life again the same. There would be a wondrous, internal and permanent change. So as is always my way, I didn’t follow his prayer outline to the letter or even the word. Just as I can’t seem to follow a recipe as written, I cannot pray someone else’s prayer. So, I created my own inspired by the given prayer. Mine was simpler and flowed gracefully from my lips. Most importantly, I could remember it and creatively embellish it with flourishing concepts as I prayed and desired in prayer. Divine Love fill me Divine Love flow through me Divine Love be me. That’s pretty much the gist of it. So I did it, every time I remembered about it I stopped and said it. I wasn’t even sure what “Divine Love” was. It didn’t really feel like a prayer or sound like one, almost like an incantation or a spell. I remember shortly there after things changing for me. More and more my actions, my seemingly thoughtless actions, surprised me. By “thoughtless,” I don’t mean not considerate of others. I mean I didn’t pre-think my actions and they were so amazingly thoughtful of others it was if I knew beyond my own mind how to be of the right help at the right time. I would continually say and do the right thing. “Hold on a minute,” I heard a voice inside me say, “You are surprised at your actions but haven’t you just been praying for God’s Love to flow through you and become you?” Was I? Did I? Is that what Divine Love was? I needed to know, for I had never heard it spoken of that way. Divine Love, what was it really? What was happening to me and had any other experienced such and written about it? ![]() "Quiet Times" by Debra Clemente Prayer does not change God’s mind of how to treat you. Prayer changes your mind of how you accept the Love of God, Divine Love, which is the true and complete essence of God within and around you. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation