Bring forth the ideal, supplication. I need not worry what the next moment brings for I trust in God’s Ways. You see, I see through faith, faith in God’s Will, God’s “Good Will.” This is not the same as one whom one says “Oh, it must be God’s Will.” Like, “If punishment is due, I guess it is due.” No, Jesus taught us a different way to look at and be led through God’s Will. Through supplication of our own will, or need to control, and the asking that God’s Will, or Good Will to All, is done in His Name through us. God knows my desires and my uniqueness for My Maker Himself has bestowed the gifts I have, on me. Of course He wants to use these “God given” abilities to enlighten and bring joy to His creation. This is my only true desire, to be of service so I have laid my life down. Some would say here that I have “taken up the cross.” But I do not, for that seems to me as an announcement that one is expecting their way to be hard and a burden. It’s just the opposite for me, as I am laying down the burdens of my mind, my fears and worries for the future, and knowing that God will provide my daily needs and lead me out of temptation. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth (the physical) as it is in Heaven (the spiritual). This is truly my daily prayer, which I ask in the Name of Christ, who reigns in me. I find myself speaking with such authority. The words take me back and I laugh, laughter of joy and amazement that such adamant wisdom flows so freely and forcefully from my mind and mouth. “It is true… It is this way… Yes, I know… This is because…” Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente join the conversation