Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
Feel your power in patience. Enjoy the stillness in your soul. You need not always offer comment upon another's words or actions. Often the silent treatment is best. It allows the others words to hang unadorned in the air. There they remain bare, exposed for what they are. You can hear them and leave them alone. The other has said them and can own them or choose to atone.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
Personality is a human physical trait. As “One” we are not limited by nor identify with personality. Personality is part of man’s “ego consciousness” which keeps him small. It’s not about personality anymore. Your mind is attempting to define this voice as one or another personality or individuality, as you understand how souls appear to you in your earth form. It is not this way, not for us, not for you, not now, before or ever. It is only your limited consciousness that perceives it so. Please don’t bother too much with your attempts to comprehend or fathom the greatness of this concept. All you need to know is that “all is One and all is Love.”
You know both in your heart and mind that these messages are messages of pure love. The same love which Paul spoke about. This voice never judges or condemns but is patient, comforting and encouraging. Love knows all. Love conquers all. God is Love. This is what you are to know. You have to discover your own power. You have to lay claim to the Kingdom within. It is all within the power of your word, in thought, spoken and in deed. Buddhism is about mastering the mind. While there is much to be said for that as an effort to becoming the perfection of man, we are offering you more, a way to get beyond the mind which knows all it knows so well. We ask you to forget all you know and be born again unto Truth. If you can learn to work, live and breath just through, only through, the mind of God, that’s when you’ve “got it going on!” Whenever you go past the point you thought you couldn’t go, that is when you have reached the next level. You have to venture beyond your comfort zone for growth to appear. You have to push yourself to this new limit. It’s a personal challenge, whether mentally, physically or spiritually. You do yourself no good by measuring your rate of growth against any other. All have access to the same gifts. All good arises from the same Source. All power is One and One for all. The only difference lies in individual man’s level of consciousness and awareness of such power and aptitude gained by the exercise of such. Jesus, as Christ, told us “What ever I do, so may you.” Some say they talk to dead people but that is an improbability. It is impossible, for if anything is truly dead there is no life with which to communicate. Communication is a back and forth thing. It should be better stated that some are aware of communication with Spirit and the souls of the bodily departed. That is not the same as “dead people.” A soul inhabits a body for a time for an earthly experience as an opportunity for soul growth, or advancement in the Heavenly Planes, by seeking soul purification and enlightenment. When the body is spent or damaged so that it can no longer support the life force, the soul energy escapes the imprisonment of the physical confines it has known. There is no skip, pause or lapse from one moment of knowing in the body to the next moment that the soul realizes its freedom. There is no change whatsoever in the attributes of a soul just because it is no longer present in a physical form. You were a soul before this body and you will continue as that same soul after you depart. The only thing you depart from is your physical form. You remain present, actually more present than when in the physical form. As you have not the physical senses, nor local brain activity, to distract you, you are Pure Being. You exist in the Ethers, as Heaven was first described. You reside in a state of continual joy, but happy as you are to just to be you are aware that other souls enjoy more joy and reside in a brighter light space. You long for this “more joy” and learn that the way to this more joy is through the infilling of your soul with God’s Divine Love. All souls can receive this gift as they ask for it with all the energy their soul possesses, but the most soul growth opportunity is when a soul is with a physical body and is having a human experience. What are you looking for? What’s wrong or what is right? There are basically two ways to go through life; you can either look for what’s wrong or what’s right. Seek and ye shall find. Be careful what you look for, for what you think about you bring about. People always ask, “Who says?” They are looking for an “authority figure.” Someone else they believe holds all the answers. They search on for a supreme authority, one whose truth never varies. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente join the conversation