Ask for what you need, then listen patiently. The information is pure. It’s when the mind gets involved that it gets garbled. Are you clear? What We say is clear enough for you to know what to do if you listen carefully with your heart, not mindfully, but heart-fully. In this way, you will truly hear what We say here today.
In this way, all along, We have been here with you. Did you know this was meant for you to see more clearly? Higher, better, unfettered knowledge, Wisdom from on high but not from the sky. So much closer. It’s personal. It’s within. Just for you. Now, let’s begin to see the world more clearly.
Am I Christian, Jew or Islam? There are no words for what I am. I am that I am, “Truth” for you and all. “God’s saving grace” for your heart and soul, a gift from angels who live on high in the Heavens of righteousness where I reside.
Rhapsody, this is the grand plan of God’s gift to us. The gift of His love delivered into our hearts as we ask, by the power of the Holy Spirit. So great a Love, Our Father has for us. Welcome Him in, into your heart, make room for the infilling of such tremendous Love. The Love that transforms the weak to strong, that gives wisdom all day long. Ask not once. Ask again and again for God to fill you up, to live within.
Bit by bit your being will change, never again to be the same. This is the “The Good News,” for all. It is so good that it is above the law, for when God’s Essence so fills your heart, there is no need for rules of morals or dogma to control the drama. Divine Love will rule your heart. If you do not feel this, if you do not know, you will not show. You will feel alone, for you are. But God is waiting at the edge of your heart. Today is the day, He says, let’s begin, let’s start.
These words are here to be found by the seeker, words written on the heart. No man may gift another with wisdom, for all wisdom comes from within from God our source. Man may share his wisdom with wisdom teachings, but true wisdom is only recognized by the heart, not the mind. The mind reasons away wisdom as it comes from afar. But the wisdom that is planted deep within is true for you. Your heart already knows. You must open your mind to your own truth, the truth that feeds and nourishes your very soul, this knowing. Where there is knowing, there is showing. It can be no other way. Nothing to buy, nothing to believe, just be with Me.
Oh yes, I’ve heard this voice before, but found it so easy to ignore. I gave it not the credence it deserved. I walked away alone in thought, believing life was hard and God forgot. “Turn right, turn left, pause up ahead.” This is what the information sounds like as I’m lead. I know more than I can say. But I can show all that I am.
Forgive them they know not what they do, for anyone who knows will show My Love.
It is not what you think. It is who you are, how you show up in or out of Love. We are of royal bloodline you and I because of our very nature, the nature of who we each are, sons and daughters of God, of the One whom is the One of us. Our inheritance is the very Kingdom of God, but it is up to each of us to know and thus to claim our birthright. Each of us is in our Father’s Will but until we claim “His Will” as ours we have no claim to our great inheritance.
Have no other God before Me. Be not a slave to money. Bend not your knee to pay homage to any other. You must love the Lord your God whom is I, your Father/Mother.
You have to empty your heart of any egoic claims before God can fill you when you call His Name. You do not have to live this life on your own. Ask for God to bring you home. Ask to be filled to the brim with God’s Love and Wisdom to be found within. Ask the Holy Spirit to visit you again and again.
Come follow Me and I will lead you home.
Like I know, there is no other for me to love. I ask here and now to be filled with Your Love. Fill me up I pray. Give me more of Your lovely Essence each day.
Make yourself available. Turn off your mind. Give your brain a rest. All I want is your love. Life is not a test of wills for you to make. You can go your way or go Mine. Live as human or as Divine. Your mind can guide you or it can be your heart which leads. If you choose your heart, we will “in essence” marry indeed.
So much to say. So much to know. Wisdom pours forth, as your heart is a glow with My Love. Burning a steady fire within, you have no chance to sin. For sin is error thinking and Love is not a thinking thing. I love you so this you know. This you show “the world outside,” what it’s like to have God inside.
Time and again, I have spoken to hearts ready to hear, to those who hold Me dear. The Words are not lost. They have been here all along. But how many truly hear My Word and know it is true and fully understand what to do?
It really is never about what anyone has done. For this, My Blessing to you, has already been done and is here now waiting for you to seek. For all that is spiritual is hidden from the mind. Logic has never been the way of The Divine.
Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente