Some people say that people that talk to themselves are crazy. Others say that's okay. It's when you start answering yourself, that’s when you have problems. So with that in mind, some would say I'm crazy. I say, they just don't know. They don't know what they don't know. They haven't, as yet, discovered the amazing secret to an amazing life as I have, the treasure trove of wisdom that lies within ready and available for the asking. Does "Ask and ye shall receive." ring any bells? Wisdom is a very important part of that equation. I'm not talking about trivial facts here. I'm talking about moment-to-moment useful, totally applicable stuff. Like, "Where did I put my phone? What is the name of his wife?" and "What should I do with my life?” There are rules though, no guessing, none. For when I attempt to guess, ponder or think the answer my mind is instantly involved and I am disqualified from the game. The only way I can access this wisdom is by letting go of my own estimations and ask trusting, in this higher power working through me, for the answer. My own brainpower seems to block the flow of this stream of consciousness. I have to let go and allow flow. Just be, be willing to hear and to heed. The heeding of the information is just as important as the reception of it. Imagine it this way. It's fun to give the ones you love gifts, especially handmade gifts of love. So imagine giving a special gift to a loved one and watching them open it, then drop it on the floor and walk away. Kind of takes the fun out of the giving doesn't it? So imagine a part of yourself that is the giver of such wisdom and how that part of you would feel to have someone you love not take hold and make use of the gift you have made especially for them. The joy is in the giving, but proper reception is needed for the giver to be excited about the possibility of giving more. When the giver is acknowledged and thanked, their joy skyrockets. They sit on the edge of their seats awaiting the chance to be of service again. So goes the "the game" I play within my mind and heart. There is a soul truth to me. Not a single "sole truth," but a vast infinite truth within my grasp, available to me, wherever I am, whenever I make myself available. Yes, I talk to myself. I ask myself and I answer myself. I thank myself and I love myself. Some would say I'm crazy. Some people would care if others thought them so. I don't. I know better. Thank you. I love you. You know me so well. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente join the conversation