What have I not forgiven?
You don’t have to forget, just forgive. Then you will not re-live.
What do you want me to know?
You are safe. There is no “new” information. We keep telling the same story. We will keep telling until all listen, hear and heed. This will be the triumph of God’s Glory indeed.
If the Divine and the host of angels are telling me “I am safe” how can I dare fear, fear anything? There is nothing for me to believe. Knowing is enough, knowing Truth. Truth speaks to me. I know Truth’s language. I hear Truth’s voice. I answer Truth’s call. I am “home safe” in Truth.
Feel safe. Feel love. Feel comforted. I hold you in My Hand. You are My Heart.
Why do people hurt others so?
It is fear. Their actions come from fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the different. They feel threatened by the other and lash out. It is fear.
I love it when the right words fall from my mouth, when I am given the right thing to say at the right time, when I can offer a message that needs to be heard. Please continue to use my voice as yours. Speak from your heart of hearts to another with my breath. I am here for you to serve you and your people, my family everywhere.
Excerpts from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente