The more ideas I expose myself to, the more questions I have. Just like a child, I ask “Why?” I wonder. When you were dissatisfied with the life you knew, you sought Me. You sought more to life, and I am the more to life. Living through Me you are finding joy abundantly. Physically you are in the same place, yet spiritually the ladder you have climbed. You cannot be unhappy with Me, for you have found True Joy in My Life, in the breast of My Loving Heart. Don’t keep these words under lock and key. Keep them where they can be found by the ardent seeker. For just as you have found wisdom and comfort in the words of Mine written by the hand of others, many others will find great value in these words you write. They will bring comfort to seeking hearts for generations upon generations. Do not take this work lightly. The world taunts you at every turn with seductive marketing ploys. Act now, limited time offer, buy one, get one free, special exclusive offers all around guaranteed to make your life better in some way. But you’re pretty smart. You are catching on. If you miss one offer your chance to ever have that promised happiness will be offered again, if not in the next commercial break then next week or next month. And besides you’re not stupid. You know that while you may enjoy the benefits of such a product, your life will not truly change. Yet all seem to want change, want a better life so continue to look, to acquire and acquire stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff and more stuff. You are stuffed with stuff and remain unsatisfied. What you are looking for is a special offer that never expires and has no cost. Haven’t you heard that you can’t get something for nothing? Everything has a cost. Even the ultimate Gift you can receive, God’s Love. Some believe it’s free for the taking because another paid the price but this is not so, not the true story. Each must lay down their own life to walk with God. The crucifixion that is to take place is with your own ego. I can hear it now, the crowd gathering, roaring up against these words. “This is not the truth we know! Shut up! How dare you even recite such words!” But those who do are not listening now. They have already thrown this book to the side and trampled upon it, all out of fear. So I do not speak to those with minds closed so. I speak unto the seekers of Truth, whom want to know God in their own hearts and minds. You have to let go of your ego. For your ego is what keeps your mind and thinking small. It is the ego that refuses to listen to new ideas. It s the ego that thinks it knows all and yet fears the unknown for the ego does not want you to look any further. For it knows if you do glimpse beyond you will walk away from its hold and it will wither and die. Yes, the crucifixion to take place is of your own ego. This is the price to be paid. But such a deal, such a small price to pay for freedom, freedom from fear, worry and judgment, such a small price to pay to know God’s Love. Let go of your ego and let God. Let God’s Love fill all the spaces of your heart and mind. Feel God’s Love. Know God’s Love. Be assured in God’s Love. Walk through life in God’s Love in faith, in trust and contentment. The offer is available now. Always is the now. It can be the now of today or the now of tomorrow but God asks, “Why wait? There will be no better offers to come. Come enjoy life now to the fullest with Me.” Come forward. Do not lag behind. Your light cannot be hidden. It is for you to know. It is for you to show My Love. Put your fears aside and walk in faith with Me. Trust in goodness. Trust in the goodness of God. God says: Come to Me as you are. You need not be perfect. You will find perfection in Me, in My Love. With My Love you will be purified. Day by day we grow in Love. Day by day we are sent signs from above. Some see the world and say it is coming apart. Crying out like the little chicken who screamed in terror that the sky was falling. The world my dear is not coming a part. Yes, it is being shaken up, but it’s being put back together bit by bit the right way. Your eyes only see a jumble of pieces of what seems like an unsolvable puzzle. You can not see as I do. I see what can be. I see areas here and there uniting, interlocking, working together, joining forces with others who find strength in looking for their similarities not differences. Looking for how they can be stronger and more meaningful as a united force. Oh yes you see, I see the bigger picture and it is lovely, it is grand. I do not expect any of you to begin to grasp the whole, leave that to Me. I just ask you each to have faith in the grand plan of one people united in love, living and working cohesively together for the good of all. Look around wherever you are on this grand board game for others who have something they need that you may give. Just as others will be looking for something they need to give you. This is how love interlocks, builds and comes together bit by bit no longer as a puzzle but as a beautiful picture of life. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation