The answers are always here for you. It’s up to you to ask, to seek, then listen. Listen with your heart. Make room for the knowing. Questioning is good. It’s how you learn truth. Doubt is important. One needs doubt to question what one has been given, to truly know. One has to question life. What is life? What is love? One has to not be satisfied with what they have or know. A self-satisfied, smug, ego tripped out, know-it-all, will never truly know. So what is there to know that I don’t know, you ask? Peace, eternal Peace, Joy, Unbounded Joy, Limitless Love, for just a few, a very important few. Who do you trust? Do you trust yourself? You can know, once you know yourself. Trust yourself. To thine own self be true. Have faith in yourself. This is not an ego trip. It’s about understanding your self worth, who you are, why you are here. You know already. The knowledge is there now already for you, in you, waiting to be asked, to be sought with your deepest soul yearning. Wouldn’t you like to know what you know? Come around again and listen to me tell you about you, about your beauty, about your wisdom, about your truth. There is truth in your being, in your being you. There is nothing for you to do, so be still, hush, yes hush your mind. You will never know all until you can quiet the rambling voice which shouts, and learn to listen to the small still voice with which you have never been without. |
This is fun stuff, don’t you agree? These words are given and they are all free. No price has been paid. This is a gift, no strings attached. Detachment is the key that opens the door to eternity, to this space in and out of time. A place where others surely think I have lost my mind, but my mind is not lost, just set aside no longer allowed to hide the wisdom I have access to. It is here for me and within you too! You don’t have to know all at once. In fact your brain might explode if you did know everything at once. Ha! My Higher Self has the most wonderful sense of humor. Thank you, for making me laugh. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |