Never fear, God’s right here! Love is the opposite of fear God is Love Thus when one lives in fear They live as though God is not near God is good When you believe in good You believe in God Who fear’s good? Look for good Look for God Good is not to be feared God is not to be feared Fear not So is fear a sin? To sin is to miss the mark Sinning is error thinking So what do you think? God is our refuge Make your heart a worthy place A holy shrine for God Fear not, God is with you I am right here Too good to be true What a statement What a sad statement Life is good You have to look for it though Remember, seek and you shall find It’s a matter of what you are looking for Not where you look Open your eyes Wipe away the mud. I believe in good, for goodness sake. I believe good is the truth. Find Me here Walk this way Way to go Go ahead Lend an ear Leading the way Universal viewpoint All knowing All seeing The wonderful world of God As you believe Watch what you think Be careful what you say Be nice Let your words be kind Send love with every breath Feel Me Be Me I need your presence I need you Inquire within Divine council Ask Me Feelin’ groovy In the groove of life. Whatever comes to me, I am not making this up. For real Real good Real God. I’d like to know more. Information please Wisdom ways Incubate an idea Sleep on it The Gospel according to… Matthew, Mark, Luke & John? The Gospel word The Gospel means “Good News” God still speaks. I am prompted, urged, possessed to record these “thoughts” that come to me. They are not to be divine secrets. They are to be told, to be written and to be recorded, to be manifested, to be shared. We are to be the voice of God in the physical, a link between the two worlds, a medium. The Gospel is not the story of Jesus’ life. It is the story of the life of Jesus who came to show us and tell us we each can live fully, joyfully, peacefully and abundantly. The Gospel, the good news, is still being told, told to all who listen, to those with “ears to hear,” new spiritual ears. God still speaks. We are to listen, listen in, hear and share, show and tell. Pick a possibility Satisfaction indeed Perfect timing Here with you Revolution evolution Sins of omission Be good, obedient to God’s way Be obedient Submissive What works. The voice of Love is the voice of our very own reason for being. It is the voice of our Truest Being, our Highest Self. This voice of Love speaks with authority and valid reason that only this One can know and comprehend. The reasons why remain a mystery to our small selves. From our narrow perspective on the physical plane we cannot reason out the information given. We have to learn to trust the voice of Love and follow its urgings. Start small, pay attention, gain trust, gain ground, gain acceptance of the truth of this voice. The voice of Love has the good of all in mind for it sees and knows all and thus has the entire picture, all knowledge to work from. Only in hindsight can we as physical beings have this clarity. Rewrite your program Call forth your good. It’s about every cell of my body. My skin is only the outward manifestation. So much more than skin deep Listen in, not out Inner vision manifests out Make yourself happy. Happy is as happy does. Joy be me. OMG means “Oh, my goodness!” to me. It’s an exclamation of joy, of wonder, of astonishment. For some it means “Oh, my God!” That’s okay too. I don’t see it as swearing and why should there be a problem with the word “God?” After all, God is good. God is goodness. So say it! Proclaim it! This is who I am! Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation