When I was a child, my mother often asked me, as I restlessly wiggled around, if I had “ants in my pants?” She never spoke of “Inner Fear Ants” but I am coming to believe that they are rampant in our society and the infestation of such is the cause of most of the commotion. Just like regular ants, ““Inner Fear Ants” keep quite busy and this busyness creates a constant buzz. It sounds like this “I can’t, too hard, not enough, too late, too much, all alone, what’s next, I’m lost, I’m scared, no good, no God.”
The job of “Inner Fear Ants” is the building up of egos. They have excellent job security for the more work they do and the more noise they create the more threatened and alone people feel. And the more they feel the need to fortify and build up the walls of their egos, again creating more work, and job opportunities for the ““Inner Fear Ants”
I’m pretty sure none of us are born with “Inner Fear Ants” and yet it all seems so normal because it is all we remember. The buzz, buzz, buzz of the “Inner Fear Ants” at work is constant as our fragile egos require continual repair and reinforcement. It’s like living in a commercial construction zone, saws buzzing, metal clanging, jackhammers rattling. You have to yell to communicate and then it’s hard to decipher a voice in the clamor. Imagining such one can begin to understand how a whisper would be lost, silenced, drowned, never even imagined or listened for.
That’s just what happens to the voice of God, the small still voice that is constantly speaking to each of us. It is drowned out by the constant clamor of our “Inner Fear Ants.” Is it a surprise to you that God is speaking to you at this very moment, that you have always been connected so? Would you like to hear the Voice of God? Would you like to hear directly how much you are loved?
First you have to walk away from the construction zone, away from the clamor of life, a way from your ego. A desert, a mountaintop, or even a closet will do. Just get away by yourself as you close the door on the chatter; you open the door to Heaven where God awaits. “I don’t hear a thing,” you may say at first. Wait, I say. Be patient and ask for God’s help. God has always heard you.
Stop the noise. Stop the interference of the “Inner Fear Ants” in their tracks. Stomp on them. Say, “Let go my ego go. Let God in. Let God begin.” Speak to God. Ask for more of His Love. Ask God to fill you with his blessed “Divine Love.” Ask God to hush your “Inner Fear Ants” and listen in.
♥ ♥ Listen, be still and know. Know that I Am. I Am God. ♥ ♥