But many have fallen short of that attainment as they see the rites and rituals, the path, of their religious traditions as the core truth and satisfaction of the groups’ requirement, not seeking more for they are not believing more was available to them. The few that have attained the Spiritual Enlightenment which was to be the goal of the quest, have been held so high by the group that they don’t even see those as being in their own box. They hold them so above their selves and their own ability that they hold them outside of their box and call them saints. Never realizing that the spiritual heights these saints attained could as well be theirs.
Then there are those who have shunned other’s stories and rituals seeking the knowing of higher things on their own terms. They have realized that they can have a personal connection with Spirit without other men mediating. They have heard the voice within speak a language dear to their heart and their heart has leapt in remembrance as they feel and know the Love of God.
Religions are paths to God, paths, just paths, not God Realization. God realization brings peace, patience and a comforting love within one’s heart. It’s heartfelt and heart full and tears down all boxes.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente