Don’t waste your journey by not understanding this now, for this is the gift of humanhood, your chance for rapid soul advancement. It’s like a blink of an eye this life you know, compared to eternity. And the lessons you are given here offer opportunity to advance your soul standing so much quicker and easier than any later efforts. So you see just because this body you know so well dies, your soul’s work is not done. Oh it can be if you wish, but believe me you will not wish, for every soul knows where its true home is and when it returns it looks again to the bright light and yearns to go there. All do. All want to “touch the face of God.” All want to feel and know the most glorious feeling and knowing of peace and love. And with this earnest and steadfast desire a soul concentrates, mediates, on this wondrous healing, uplifting love of God. And as a soul asks God for the infilling of such Divine Love, the soul receives and is lifted to a higher state of wholeness or holiness.
Such is as well so for all souls, souls as free spirits and souls embodied in the flesh. They each evolve at their own rate, their own desire or will. Will to make their own will God’s will. You call this soulvolution process “enlightenment” on earth. Many, many, more are “seeing the Light” and thus being the Light. So again, all “things” pass away. Your soul is not a “thing” it is eternal for it is spirit, part of the totality of Spirit. This is your work, your soul job and sole job on earth, to wake up, see the light and desire more of the “God stuff,” Divine Love. Ask and ye shall receive My glory.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente