Forgive them they know not what they do, for anyone who knows will show My love. It is not what you think, it is who you are, how you show up in or out of Love. We are of royal bloodline you and I because of our very nature, the nature of who we each are, sons and daughters of God, of the One whom is the One of us. Our inheritance is the very Kingdom of God, but it is up to each of us to know and thus to claim our birthright. Each of us is in our Father’s will but until we claim “His will” as ours we have no claim to our great inheritance. Have no other God before Me. Be not a slave to money. Bend not your knee to pay homage to any other. You must love the Lord your God whom is I, your Father/Mother. You have to empty your heart of any egoic claims before God can fill you when you call His Name. You do not have to live this life on your own. Ask for God to bring you home. Ask to be filled to the brim with God’s Love and Wisdom to be found within. Ask the Holy Spirit to visit you again and again. Come follow Me and I will lead you home. Like I know, there is no other for me to love. I ask here and now to be filled with Your love. Fill me up I pray. Give me more of Your lovely essence each day. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
Christ is Divine Love in action, God’s love in being and truth. Jesus found and recognized this love through the Father whom He knew and spoke to in the silence. Through the power of this love He became the Christ. Jesus Christ told us that all He could do, so could we if we followed His way, as His way, His life, was the way to the Truth, the Truth of God.
Jesus found and claimed this saving and transforming Love of God. The love of Christ is Divine Love which God is ready to give each repentant heart. A repentant heart is an open heart, willing heart. A heart willing to forgo the will of the body’s ego mind and to be so in filled with God’s Love that one’s very will is transformed by this Love into the will of God. Before Christ left his physical form on this earth, He assured us he would send “the Comforter” to care for us and lead us on the path to righteousness. For this, we have to ask believing. The words, the exact words, are not of such a matter as the intention, the intention of the heart. Your heart has to yearn for this knowing. Yearn with all your heart. Some may ask to know Jesus. Some may ask for Divine Love. Some may ask to know God. Some may ask to be shown the Light. All who ask, ask in faith, shall find. Find the Father’s Love in Christ within themselves. You have been led astray. You have misled yourselves. Each time you focus on the “rules” you attribute to God you are pulling your focus away from the God idea and into the man idea. For the only idea of God is “Love,” love pure love, the purest of love, Divine Love, the sacred heart of God, the sacred heart of Christ, all ideas of God who is love. This is to be your focus. This love is what you are to attune your heart and mind to. Think on this: The power of God’s love.
Jesus Christ told you this. Above all else, He said, seek the Kingdom of God. Love God with all your heart, soul and mind. To love God is to love the love of God, to desire God’s love, to thirst for God’s love, to be passionately and innately hungry for God’s love. This is the devotion we are to possess, to live with, to contemplate, to ask for blessings of. This is what is right and true. God is love, the highest and most divine form of love there is. The love Paul spoke about to the Corinthians. The love that is kind, patient and not judgeful. This is the love God already has for us. But wait, there’s more. God has made a special offer to all His faithful, the ones so full of faith in the power of His magnificent love that they are devoted to it. They pray for it. They ask on bended knee for the infilling of such love. God’s deepest desire is to shower all of mankind with His healing Divine Love, the love that transforms hearts and opens eyes and ears to truth. Yes, God has always loved, deeply loved each of us. But because of the free will He gave us to create our lives as we desire, He will not and cannot force His will, His love upon anyone. But now God has a new deal for us, an offer, the “Good News” Jesus was telling us about, “His love.” God will freely and lavishly gift each repenting heart who so truly desires His love with His love. God’s love is the most powerful substance in the universe thus can only be dripped drop by drop like an intravenous line into one’s heart. But oh, when you get just a taste and you understand the gift you have received you will want more and you shall ask and you shall receive. So what is a repenting heart? Is it a perfect pure heart? No, for only God’s love purifies hearts. A repenting heart is one that says he has had enough of his own ways, that he chooses the will of God. But most importantly he chooses the love of God. The will of God is just the natural course of action that will come. You see as more and more of God’s Divine Love fills and transforms your heart your will is so very naturally and easily and comfortably changed into the will of God. You will have no choices to make between right and wrong, for God’s love will have so transformed your heart you will do no other that “what Jesus would do.” The rules man has created and attributed to God are not needed for your thoughts and actions are so ever supernaturally aligned with the highest good for all. Peace, love and joy will prevail in your heart, mind and soul. Your very being will change. You will become a new person. After the man Saul was so filled with the love of God he changed his name to Paul. Remember the wisdom, the wisdom of God which filled him, and the love of Christ of which he spoke? These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of God, which come upon those so devoted to the knowing and receiving of God’s love. So what do you have to do to receive this Love into your own heart? Open it. Open your heart and open your mind. Come unto to the Lord as a little child, full of the wonder and trust of a child. You do not have to understand God to understand God is love. All know some love, but not all know God’s love. All can so know God’s love if and when they want to. Remember, this is not a one-time thing, it’s a process, a continual process of asking, and receiving, a process that flows so naturally and gracefully that nothing is more perfect. The more you get the more you want and all you will truly want is God’s love. It’s the icing on the cake of life, the tastiest and most beautiful icing that becomes the bread of life allowing full communion with God. Come to my table and eat and drink, says the Lord. My love is the all sustaining bread and wine you have hungered and thirsted for. Come eat, drink and be merry. Do what you have to do, My word will always be here for you. Many will deny for they do not know My voice, of course this is their choice. My will, I will not impose on any unwilling soul. I so love all my children as they are. But oh so rejoice when they come home to live in the fullness of My heart of love. I have prepared a banquet for the celebration. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente Trust all is well, this is what is meant by having faith in God. God is good so we are to believe as God’s children that all of God’s goodness is available to each of us as well. We are to trust in God, trust in God’s goodness, purely and completely, without doubt or fear. For God is Love and Love does not know fear. No fear, God is near waiting in love with love to welcome all to the center of His heart Eden, Heaven on Earth.
When you know something you are sure, you are certain, you are confident. I know I am loved. I dwell in the house of the Lord, the Lord of love. I have built an altar in my heart for God’s Divine Love. God has told me, yes told me, that I am safe, safe in love. Fear not My beloveds. Know Me. Know Love. Know, no fear. When we worry we are fearing, fearing bad, fearing not being totally cared for. We are imagining living outside of God’s love. Did you know this? Had you ever thought of it this way? Rethink what it means to surrender to God, to surrender to the power of Love. Love is power, the most powerful energy of all, the energy that creates worlds, worlds of good, the energy that is available for the asking in each moment. Ask and it is given. Ask for God’s guidance, care and love. Then listen. Heed. Give thanks and share the love. When you want to know, you ask. When someone wants to know they will ask, when they are interested. They have to have interest to care, to care what you say. So until you are asked, save your breath. Breath deep, know and trust that living well is the best you can do to show what you know. Nothing is bad or good in itself. It just is. It is what you make of it. It’s what you think of it that matters, that matters to you. Someone else may choose to think entirely differently about the subject at hand and thus have a different experience and that is okay for it to be that way. No one is to judge another for their personal choices. It is certainly enough to concern yourself with making the right choices for you. But here’s the good news, when you choose God, you choose good, you choose Love at every turn and all is good in return. It can be no other way when you choose God’s way. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente All My Love is for you for the asking. Ask and you shall receive My Gift of Grace, My Spirit into you, into your broken heart, making it a blessed heart, full of Divine Love, truth and beauty. You will see. Risen you will be.
Life is to be a love story, a light hearted joyful tale, a divine comedy of sort. Do you see the humor, the compassion, the truth? Are you an actor fulfilling a role which you have been given, reading a script written long before your first breath? Do you know what your next breath brings? Do you believe your destiny has been written? Do you believe you write your own life story, fully in charge of the outcome? Are you a villain, an innocent victim, or a victor? What is the story of your life? What do you believe? What would you like to know? What would you like to feel? What is a free thinker? One who is not confined by the known. One who opens his mind to new knowings thus able to discover the undiscovered, which has been covered by man’s inability to see more than what is. Thank you for asking. Google has nothing on the wisdom which I have access to, the wisdom of the ages. What has been and what can be. Yes, a free thinking human is so free! Unlimited access to the Power that be, makes me free! Why wouldn’t one want to know all one can know? Give your mind a rest. Life is not a test. The Sermon on the Mount’s theme was “Blessed be the…” not “Damned be the…” What good does it do you to repeat the complaining words of another? None, zilch! If someone else feels they have been wronged it is their business, as it is their own beliefs, or truth, which has created it and will sustain it. Is this the kind of thing you wish to create in your own life, discord? It is not for you to mediate anyone else’s felt wrongs. Walk away and bid farewell to those with woes. Offer a blessing for better days to come. Better days to come. You can not put words into anyone else’s mouth but you can put them into their mind by speaking them mindfully. Speak the truth you know. Live well. Show. Others will see. Others will feel. Others will be touched by your presence. Show up well. So, I am seeing this clearer, this God-me relationship, the whole parent-childness of it. When any or either of my children comes to me asking for my help and love I feel that I cannot pour forth enough or quickly enough. I know there is no limit to the amount I can and will give, nor to the time I will spend doing such. How great my love. How great Thy Love. There is no need for any mediator or translator between us either. For even if either party would lose their voice or their mind, our love would still connect us. The ones who once suckled at my breast and fed on my every word are now very capable adults. Standing on their own two feet quite well, most of the time. But they still trip and fall like all. And when they are down and call up to me I will be there to pick them up, to hold and comfort them, to give them my wisdom, my guidance, my love. This is parenting in love is an honor, a responsibility, a calling, a gift, a gift from God. I know God as my Father, my Father in heaven. I feel the warmth and safety of His Love. I hear His guiding and encouraging Words. There is no greater title than “Father” or “Mother” for God for me. It signifies a very personal relationship, a two way street of sort, an open channel of communication. I speak, I listen, and I hear. I cry and I am comforted. I am guided. I obey. I am given responsibilities. I am given lessons. I am rewarded for my work. I grow in faith. I grow in love. I rise up a better being, one in being with my Father. As I mature in my love for my Father, I become more and more of His Nature. His ways are my ways. My load is lightened. Heaven is the womb of God from which one’s soul is birthed and that to which it returns. Your body is an earthly treasure made just for you, for your earthly journey. Dust to dust. It is not risen up. What is this feeling I have? From where does this come? Whose voice do I hear comforting me, loving me, guiding me? Is it you, my Father? I love you too much for words! My Father who art in Heaven? Don Brown is it you? It certainly feels like your love. Who else could it be without skin on that loves me so much? Is it you God calling my name? Or are you one in spirit, are you now the same? You get to do what you really want in life. Did you know that? What you want is what you get. How so? It’s all about energy flow. What you give is what you get. Do you know what you are truly giving? Giving to the world? Do you understand the signals you send and their power? You are a powerful creator, you being you. You have the power to create the life you want. The trick is you have to understand the rules of this game of life you are living. Rules of life, for life, for all of life. It is not necessarily what you think it is, the way you think life works. You think there is luck. Some are lucky and some aren’t. You think life is hard work. You think you will never be able to live your wildest dreams. You are right in your thinking. For if you think so you will create it so. You see, whatever you think about you bring about. “Not so,” you say. “I’ve never heard it that way. That cannot be, for my mother never told me.” Are you sure? Can you not recall her words? “If you cannot say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Put your best foot forward. Be grateful for what you have. Never, say never. Think about what you want. Rise and shine. Want the best for all. Expect the best. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Take care of your brother. We are family, family first. Have a good day. Don’t be a worry wart. Dream big. I believe in you. Believe in yourself. You can do it.” Not all have had such wonderful parenting. Yes, it is a shame. But we are not here now to talk in blame. I will share a story now that is for all. A love story without limits, that will make you stand tall. Amazing “Parental Love” is available now, here for each and I’ll tell you how. Imagine the best parent you can, the best of a mother’s and father’s love rolled into one, an immense spirit of love, of tenderness and caring, of listening and sharing. Since before the beginning of time such a “Spirit of Love” was and is. We have each felt it at one time or another to some degree. We have known that there was an “Other,” that there was some force so great in this world. But only a few have known “This Love” so intimately that it felt like the love of Mother. Just as the best parents want the best for each child, this force, this “Power of Love,” wants the best for each of us. This One Power, this Holy One, waits close by at the door of your mind waiting to be invited in, to be a part of your life. Desiring so to shower each with gifts of His Divine Love, love like no other than has been known before. His first “spiritually reborn” has shown the way life can be when one is reborn in spirit by being filled with Divine Love continually. He called “Him” His Father who art in Heaven. Our Father, He said, loves us all the same. There is only Love, no blame. Recognize “The Family,” We are here together now. This is what He taught and showed us how. These words are gifts given in the hour of my need. Meant for me and meant for sharing, for all eyes and ears indeed. So I share what comes to me as it flows, as I am given to know. I know this Love is for all. I have to keep my mind out of it. I know more than I can say. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
Personality is a human physical trait. As “One” we are not limited by nor identify with personality. Personality is part of man’s “ego consciousness” which keeps him small. It’s not about personality anymore. Your mind is attempting to define this voice as one or another personality or individuality, as you understand how souls appear to you in your earth form. It is not this way, not for us, not for you, not now, before or ever. It is only your limited consciousness that perceives it so. Please don’t bother too much with your attempts to comprehend or fathom the greatness of this concept. All you need to know is that “all is One and all is Love.”
You know both in your heart and mind that these messages are messages of pure love. The same love which Paul spoke about. This voice never judges or condemns but is patient, comforting and encouraging. Love knows all. Love conquers all. God is Love. This is what you are to know. You have to discover your own power. You have to lay claim to the Kingdom within. It is all within the power of your word, in thought, spoken and in deed. Buddhism is about mastering the mind. While there is much to be said for that as an effort to becoming the perfection of man, we are offering you more, a way to get beyond the mind which knows all it knows so well. We ask you to forget all you know and be born again unto Truth. If you can learn to work, live and breath just through, only through, the mind of God, that’s when you’ve “got it going on!” Whenever you go past the point you thought you couldn’t go, that is when you have reached the next level. You have to venture beyond your comfort zone for growth to appear. You have to push yourself to this new limit. It’s a personal challenge, whether mentally, physically or spiritually. You do yourself no good by measuring your rate of growth against any other. All have access to the same gifts. All good arises from the same Source. All power is One and One for all. The only difference lies in individual man’s level of consciousness and awareness of such power and aptitude gained by the exercise of such. Jesus, as Christ, told us “What ever I do, so may you.” Some say they talk to dead people but that is an improbability. It is impossible, for if anything is truly dead there is no life with which to communicate. Communication is a back and forth thing. It should be better stated that some are aware of communication with Spirit and the souls of the bodily departed. That is not the same as “dead people.” A soul inhabits a body for a time for an earthly experience as an opportunity for soul growth, or advancement in the Heavenly Planes, by seeking soul purification and enlightenment. When the body is spent or damaged so that it can no longer support the life force, the soul energy escapes the imprisonment of the physical confines it has known. There is no skip, pause or lapse from one moment of knowing in the body to the next moment that the soul realizes its freedom. There is no change whatsoever in the attributes of a soul just because it is no longer present in a physical form. You were a soul before this body and you will continue as that same soul after you depart. The only thing you depart from is your physical form. You remain present, actually more present than when in the physical form. As you have not the physical senses, nor local brain activity, to distract you, you are Pure Being. You exist in the Ethers, as Heaven was first described. You reside in a state of continual joy, but happy as you are to just to be you are aware that other souls enjoy more joy and reside in a brighter light space. You long for this “more joy” and learn that the way to this more joy is through the infilling of your soul with God’s Divine Love. All souls can receive this gift as they ask for it with all the energy their soul possesses, but the most soul growth opportunity is when a soul is with a physical body and is having a human experience. What are you looking for? What’s wrong or what is right? There are basically two ways to go through life; you can either look for what’s wrong or what’s right. Seek and ye shall find. Be careful what you look for, for what you think about you bring about. People always ask, “Who says?” They are looking for an “authority figure.” Someone else they believe holds all the answers. They search on for a supreme authority, one whose truth never varies. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente What am I going to do?
You are going to manifest! Do not doubt My ways. We are all on your team, “Special Forces” at your service. When you are ready, everything is ready. The banquet has been set. Manifest your heart’s desire. What you give your attention to you shall know. Realize with your real eyes. You are going to manifest fully aware of your Higher Power. Wonders you shall know. Wonders you shall show. Reveal Me, through your breath. You are not limited to just one thing. Many wonders you shall know and show as you grow in love. You do not have to choose between. All you desire shall be. Continue to desire higher. You have a higher calling, calling you home unto My heart. Do you realize who you are? You are My shining star, a beacon of hope unto the world. Shine My light. Proclaim My word. Be My truth. Use your power of good unto the world. It’s all how you see it. See it a new way, My way, with your real eyes. Make the world what you want. Create a new vision. Envision a better way, My way. Walk with Me. Hand in hand, We shall go forth. You, as mankind, often excuse the words you say as “just an expression” not understanding that each expression you offer unto the world is expressed in the world as you say. You attempt to pardon yourself from the rules which have been set forth. Do not envy. Jealousy is not the way unto My heart. I hear you proclaim to another as if in pride, or as a compliment to them, that you envy their position. You do not have to know how everything works you just have to know the rules. Build a new world, a brave new world, by holding your thoughts up to Me. By the power vested in Me, I vest unto you to create the world anew. See with Me how life can be. You are all My sheep. None lost to Me. You have just lost sight of Me and wander without wondering. Instead deciding to know that you know what you see is true. God’s love is very practical. There is no waiting period. You can begin to show as you know. Show up for Me. I am here for you. Where there is a will there is a way. It’s always true. Be true to your word. Give Me your word. Like what you see. See with Me. Delight in My world, My world of beauty, gentleness and kindness. Grow a garden of beauty within your heart for all the world to see. What would you like to know? What would you like to show? You claim it with your word. Be true unto your word. I give you My word as your power. Realize your strength through Me. Claim your inheritance. There is no secret formula. All can be known. Just ask believing you can know. A process of self-discovery is in progress. You’ve changed the channel and wrote new programming for your life. You sing a new song, a song of joy unto your heart, which is My heart. Suspend belief. Forget what you know to get to the Truth, to the All Knowing part of your being. “I was afraid that was going to happen,” you say. I say, have no fear. Fear does not serve you well. Your fear fuels no fire but of more fear. Fear not. Be not afraid. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente No doubt about it. Aim high for the stars and beyond thought. Feel your way to Me. Help where you can. You are My arms, My hands, My feet. Through you, My love is complete. You have to use your new eyes with which to view the world. With these you will see keenly unlimited possibilities laying out before you. Not beyond your reach, within your grasp. This you need to understand. This My dear is your task.
What would you like to know? What would you like to show? Have fun with life. It is here for you to enjoy. So, show joy. Know joy. Be joy. Joyful you shall be. You are a channel for My spirit, for My love. Flowing forth like a great river after a rain, My love rains down upon your being. Flow forth My love. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation