Jesus Christ told you this. Above all else, He said, seek the Kingdom of God. Love God with all your heart, soul and mind. To love God is to love the love of God, to desire God’s love, to thirst for God’s love, to be passionately and innately hungry for God’s love. This is the devotion we are to possess, to live with, to contemplate, to ask for blessings of.
This is what is right and true. God is love, the highest and most divine form of love there is. The love Paul spoke about to the Corinthians. The love that is kind, patient and not judgeful. This is the love God already has for us. But wait, there’s more. God has made a special offer to all His faithful, the ones so full of faith in the power of His magnificent love that they are devoted to it. They pray for it. They ask on bended knee for the infilling of such love. God’s deepest desire is to shower all of mankind with His healing Divine Love, the love that transforms hearts and opens eyes and ears to truth.
Yes, God has always loved, deeply loved each of us. But because of the free will He gave us to create our lives as we desire, He will not and cannot force His will, His love upon anyone. But now God has a new deal for us, an offer, the “Good News” Jesus was telling us about, “His love.” God will freely and lavishly gift each repenting heart who so truly desires His love with His love. God’s love is the most powerful substance in the universe thus can only be dripped drop by drop like an intravenous line into one’s heart. But oh, when you get just a taste and you understand the gift you have received you will want more and you shall ask and you shall receive.
So what is a repenting heart? Is it a perfect pure heart? No, for only God’s love purifies hearts. A repenting heart is one that says he has had enough of his own ways, that he chooses the will of God. But most importantly he chooses the love of God. The will of God is just the natural course of action that will come. You see as more and more of God’s Divine Love fills and transforms your heart your will is so very naturally and easily and comfortably changed into the will of God.
You will have no choices to make between right and wrong, for God’s love will have so transformed your heart you will do no other that “what Jesus would do.” The rules man has created and attributed to God are not needed for your thoughts and actions are so ever supernaturally aligned with the highest good for all. Peace, love and joy will prevail in your heart, mind and soul. Your very being will change. You will become a new person. After the man Saul was so filled with the love of God he changed his name to Paul. Remember the wisdom, the wisdom of God which filled him, and the love of Christ of which he spoke? These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of God, which come upon those so devoted to the knowing and receiving of God’s love.
So what do you have to do to receive this Love into your own heart? Open it. Open your heart and open your mind. Come unto to the Lord as a little child, full of the wonder and trust of a child. You do not have to understand God to understand God is love. All know some love, but not all know God’s love. All can so know God’s love if and when they want to. Remember, this is not a one-time thing, it’s a process, a continual process of asking, and receiving, a process that flows so naturally and gracefully that nothing is more perfect. The more you get the more you want and all you will truly want is God’s love. It’s the icing on the cake of life, the tastiest and most beautiful icing that becomes the bread of life allowing full communion with God. Come to my table and eat and drink, says the Lord. My love is the all sustaining bread and wine you have hungered and thirsted for. Come eat, drink and be merry.
Do what you have to do, My word will always be here for you. Many will deny for they do not know My voice, of course this is their choice. My will, I will not impose on any unwilling soul. I so love all my children as they are. But oh so rejoice when they come home to live in the fullness of My heart of love. I have prepared a banquet for the celebration.
Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente