We have to step out of the bonds we have tied so tightly around ourselves limiting our minds, bodies and souls. The bondage we each live in and fight against, as well as fight to protect, is all self made. The self, the singleness of ourselves, is the shell we believe is all we are and can be. So we resist anything that we feel could threaten our self. We build walls, mental and physical around our person’s and our ideas. Fighting to bodily death to defend what we know, even as we know that what we know is not a good fulfilling perfect life, for we don’t even have the conception that such a perfect life could ever be ours on this earth. All true joy is postponed. Some day, in the next life, we say, I will see God’s eyes and touch His face. I will ask Him why did I have to suffer so and why did He create such misery and pain in the world?
God will not be angry for your questions and will not judge you for your attributing such human woe to His hand. Instead, He will wrap His arms around you and envelope you so in His love that you will instantly understand that the Spirit you deemed vengeful and judgmental could never have been so.
Your eyes will open to the Truth that this most loving Spirit has always fully loved you. For you will understand the truth of the words “God is Love” and as this love fills you and softens your heart you understand that it was your own heart that was vengeful and clinched tight as a fist. This same purifying Divine Love had always been around you and in you but you yourself had kept at a guarded distance, never fully opening the door of your heart and asking God to come in.
You ask God why, why did you let me go on in such a way, believing so? Believing so in myself? And as you ask, you know, you know that the very special gift of God, your own free will is the answer. God wants to be the chosen one. He has already, by the fact of our creation chosen us.
“But I did choose You!” you say to God, “I always believed in You.” Believed what? Believed God was far away, vengeful, judgmental, and all powerful. You believed God was all powerful, but you did not even begin to fathom God’s ways. The all powerful force of God is love. Love is perfection in action. Let nature show you, for nature has no free will and only knows the will of God.
Man is different. Man has power, the power to choose, the power to create his life by action and thought. Man can choose to do all himself or can surrender his will, sacrifice his self to the will of God, allowing the power of Love, the will of God, to shine forth and flow through his being.
The people who change and better the world are not those who read books and memorize the words of others, but those who open their minds to new thought and inspire others. Original Thought, the source of all creation, is a mighty river free flowing with all possible knowing. Ride the wave. Lift your vibration. Fly high. Soar above old thought. Live on.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente