Keep looking. Keep seeking. Keep desiring to show My “Love” for that is the “Truth” of Me. Know more. Know more Love.
Little by little I found my way. Growing closer to God within each day.
When each is ready to hear, I Am here. Be real.
These are messages for my path, but when I read messages received by others I recognize they are my messages too.
All worth sharing.
We all get what we deserve. That’s hard to hear. Growth factor. Eye to eye faithful servant.
There are no words in “the ethers” man translates his knowings into his own language. Keep it fresh. Movie remakes. Songs rerecorded. Listen anew, self-help, Bible, Jesus, there’s more to it. It’s like the different languages.
Outer space exploration, why don’t you start investing more time to “inner space” exploration?
I have my ways. I get knowings. Truth is revealed to me. Make something from nothing, how can this be?
The “creative process.”
I ask a question and with the next breath, I have the answer.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente