Denying the flesh, this concept has been wrongly understood since the beginning. It is not, and never has been, God’s good plan for us to suffer. There is no joy or glory in God in suffering. God does not lay pain and suffering upon his people, not anyone. All people are of God, though not always for God.
The purpose of life is to glorify God, to know God and to live fully through God. This is Life Everlasting. This is the presence of “Heaven.” This is what we are to strive for, to pray for, to believe in. We are not to believe that it is God whom brings suffering upon us. The Lord, the “Perfect Law,” is our deliverer from all suffering and not just in the next life, the life without our bodies. This can be true for the here and now as well, as we believe, as we open our hearts and minds to this possibility, we are allowing God’s “True Spirit” to flow freely within us, to sanctify us. To make us right and know the wholeness, completeness and perfect-ness we are.
Life presents us with challenges that we have to learn to deal with. We can bear the weight of these alone or offer them up to the Lord. We are as well to surrender our will for their outcome. We are to submit our hearts and minds to the great truth that God, as all good, will work all good for this situation. Worry has no place in this equation. Worry is our mind becoming involved and wrestling with God, the good. Worry is doubt manifest in the mind. God says, pay no mind to these situations for your mind is so small and limited and only knows what has been. For new good to be created, you must let go of the old and let God fulfill the good. Prayers of thanksgiving are the order of the day. This is how you allow God in your life to have His way.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente