To those whom look within and spend time within themselves wanting to know, Spirit will show. For all is there wanting to share. The little mind of man cannot believe, for he has not seen. You are supposed to doubt, to question what is true. This is work for each soul to do. Take not another’s word. To each man’s soul must the Truth be heard.
Do you like what you hear? Are you happy now? Do you feel Love today, completely, in an eternal way? If not, you have not found the Whole Truth of who you are. You are not but a grain of sand; you are indeed a rising star.
It’s okay not to believe, for believing is not the same as knowing. Knowing is faith. Believing is putting trust in another’s knowing and saying that is good enough for you. Is it good enough for you to just hear of another’s life in a wonderful land? Would you not care or desire to know for yourself of what He speaks? If He can live there so can you as well. If one can, any can, as all have the same ability. None is so special that He is the only. His words are an invitation to you to come follow Him to His home and to make it yours as well.
Joy to the world! There are no rules with God, Love rules. Man cannot make man know God. God cannot make man know God. Man has to seek God to find God. God is good. Look for good, there God is found. God is not lost, man is. Find your way. To each his own. There is not one way, for the Love of God, Divine Speaking.
Sure there are challenges in life, but don’t make them problems. Problems are hard, life need not be. Lighten up. Live a little more. Trust life’s goodness is yours.
It’s not what you think. You don’t have to convince a soul. It’s not a matter of words. Love speaks softly and yet so
clearly understood. Just love, be My love for all. I know you want to share what you have and you do with your life, from your being, your just being you. The Truest You, your Highest Self, all there is within you, that is Love. Let them know this Love. Love is patient. Love is kind.
I have a one track mind, the mind of God. Living life to the fullest is my goal. Joy is my destiny.
Do what feels right. You can be, what you want. Do not look to anyone else for approval. You and only you know, what is true for you. It is your path you are on. See the light in others. As their beacon shines it draws you toward the better, the higher, in love.
This is the way you grow, you show My love being who you are, My shining star. Give your gift. Give others a lift. Let them see how love can be. Yours forever, these gifts you’ve claimed in My name, yours to use, yours to hold for eons, for lives untold.
Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente