Do you remember, remember how much you are loved? There are no words for this. It is only a knowing, a feeling deep inside you shall have when you know My love. When you know My love you will share My love. It is the way of My love and there can be no other. I am giving you words to express this love so you can share the way to peace within one’s heart. Tell them of My love and its saving grace. Tell them how I love them all so and wish for them to come Home and live from their heart.
I so wish to fill each past the brim with My saving love, but cannot without permission. Yes, each heart is guarded. The ego stands at the door protecting the way it knows. The ego does not want to be questioned. It is affronted with the idea that what it sees may not be true. But I ask all to ask of Me anything. Do not be afraid to ask. There is so much truth in life which from your perspective you cannot see. Ask Me. Trust Me. Let Me in. Crack the door. Let some of My luscious light in.
As you begin to see with this new light you will question more and I will tell you more of My ways. I always Love you. Do not be afraid to come to Me. If you say you have not felt My love, it is because you have not allowed My love. Your heart has been hardened by life. Come to Me and let My love soften it. I’ll be gentle and take your hand and lead you to a better life.
You say you have asked questions but have not heard. I ask you when did you ever take time to listen? You are so distracted you cannot even hear a little bird. So how can you hear the voice of God within your heart? You ask and then run ahead with whatever you think you need to do. It’s as if you really don’t care, trust or believe I am here for you. And many perhaps don’t fully believe there is any more to life than one can see with their two eyes and hold within their hand. Oh, ye of little faith, I ask you to try again.
If you do not want to believe in more then continue to shut the door. But if you do feel a tug within your heart, call My name and We will start. Go within to the quiet place where I reside. Yes, I live within you deep inside. There My Love for you awaits, waiting, just waiting for you to awake. Awaken to the fact that I, God, am Love and that I live within you, not someplace high above. Ask Me to help hold the door ajar. Ask Me to help you know I am not afar.
Ask Me for the knowing of My love. Ask Me to send angels on the wings of a dove. Ask Me for gifts of grace. Ask for My will yours to replace. Ask most of all for My Divine Love, as this is the gift I have for you when you really want to live through Me and live life anew. My Divine Love will fill you, but only as you ask. And as you ask you will know, you will know what peace truly is. For this love is of such substance that your fears will flee and all you will know is the grace of My love and will want to stay close to Me.
Please don’t tarry. Time has been long enough. I am ready to gather all of My sheep back to My fold. Yes, I gave you a free will to live as you choose, but deep in My heart it has been My desire that each of you would desire higher, desire to know more, desire to know Me, desire My will over your will. You cannot have it two ways. It is your way, by your own will or it is by Mine. My will lives on earth only through you, as you choose to do. Yet you cannot choose to do My will. It is not in the power of your mind to do this. A change of heart has to happen. I will change your heart when you ask. When you ask for My love to flow free, when you burst open the door and allow Me to fully be. Then My love will fill your heart and soul. This is the story of all saints, new and old.
Your ego may be saying “no way, that’s not real” or “that’s no fun,” but believe me this is as real as it gets and this is when the real fun begins. Let Me show you life from My side, from the side where the sun always shines within your heart. Let Me into your life. I’m here waiting patiently in love; it’s up to you to start. Some believe they are not worthy of God’s love. But God does not hold back the gift of His love from any of His children and all are children of God by birth. It is only the mind of man which has created separation, a separation from knowing God and God as Love.
God is Love and you can feel God’s love. But there are many that do not know of God’s love. It has never been a secret of God but kept a secret by man to enslave other men and keep them small. It is the Truth of God’s love, the gift of His love that God offers, the love of God, Divine Love. The love of God which I speak of now is not the love man has for God, not the man to God love. I speak of the highest form of love, “the love of God” which is Divine Love. This is the very substance of God, the love God is.
On special request God gifts His Divine Love into hearts. This is the saving grace, the Comforter of which Jesus spoke, delivered unto a human heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. A worthy heart is a yearning, hungry heart, one who truly desires to know God fully, but one must ask to receive. Ask and ask, again and again. I will change your life with My love says God, ask and you shall receive.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation