Totally surrendering to God’s will is totally allowing Spirit to live and breathe through you. Giving of yourself is the greatest gift you can give to God/Spirit and the greatest gift you can give yourself. Don’t hold back. Don’t resist the flow of “True Life” through your being. You have requested only the highest and the best and this is what we offer to you. Trust in God. Trust in good. Trust your heart. Trust this voice.
If you don’t listen to other’s ideas, how can you ever truly know if the Truth is what you have? Sit with new ideas. Not with your mind, let your mind rest and sit with new ideas with an open heart. Those that feel good are worth keeping and pondering more. The other will naturally fall away.
Open your mind and follow your heart. Your heart is your soul being and your soul knows the truth of all. It came in with you, your body, to this world knowing. Your mind got involved and created stories, stories of man, stories by man of God and of God’s ways. Let go of those stories. It is safe and you are safe. You do not need to cling to the ideas of your mind. You will not fall down. You are not your mind, you are so very much more. But you closed the door, the door to the knowing of your heart. You forgot how to trust your heart. Go with the flow. You do not have to know. Consider anew and a new life you shall live.
Behold, I am born anew. Christ is here.
Let go of what is holding you back.
October 27, 2011
God in truth and power, You are one with me. I am with You in being and truth. I am perfected in body, mind and spirit.
Stand forth in this truth. Be the light of God, the spirit of knowing. Only see, and thus know, perfection. All is well with you and all. Forevermore be one with Me your Father.
Don’t even say that. Don’t even tell that story again. The story you tell about what you cannot do. The story you tell about limitations you have known. As sure as you repeat such with your words so will your life prove. You do not want this I know. So you have to erase what you knew, to know better. Know better for yourself. This is the story which you are to tell yourself and thus the world. Tell your new story, the wonderful story of your life.
This is who I am. This is what God is. Accept My love as your truth. Be My truth. Live fully through Me. Be My light. Be My love for the world. I command you.
I’ve heard the calling, the Christ calling.
Be Me for all. There is no other. Feel the Strength. Know the Power. Call it forth and use it.
Is this “New Thought?”
This is Original Thought, True Thought, and Pure Thought from the Fount of All Being. This thought can never be considered “old” as it is timeless, as is God, the Source of all truth. All good happens through the belief in good. God is good. Thus all good is of God.
God is my executive power. My will is God’s will.
This shall be done as you say. Speak forth My will.
Is it a change of heart or recognition of one’s heart?
You are right in your asking so. It is recognition of one’s True Heart, the heart and home of God within. Consider it all good. Consider it all of God and it shall be. Stretch your imagination of what is possible. Don’t know too much! The world needs dreamers, dreamers willing to accept their power to call forth their dreams.
Don’t have a dirty mind! A dirty mind is a mind clouded with thoughts of lack and hardship. Enjoy clean and pure thoughts. It is not to be a burden to follow My ways. It is a joy to behold My ways as yours. Don’t defend your weaknesses. Applaud your strengths, believe as you like. Then believe there is more of life to know than you believe you know.
Don’t raise any man above you. Only raise My crown upon your head and don your “Sonship.” Live in truth through Me and no other. When Jesus Christ said, “I am the Truth and Life” he was speaking My words. Do not get caught up in the man, but see the truth of who He was and is. His truth is My truth. The way is one. Truth is one, One in Me your Father which art in Heaven within your heart, begging for full expression unto the world.
Sit a little higher. Stand a little taller. With each breath know Me more. When someone says “Unfortunately for you…” don’t believe them for he who liveth through Me is not bound by circumstances or appearances.
To accept better, one has to truly want better. One cannot truly want better unless he believes better is a possibility or exists as a possibility. Thus, which came first the chicken or the egg? The chicken had to believe in the possibility of the egg to manifest it. All that has been manifested resided before in the realm of infinite possibility, thus the chicken and the egg have always existed and one was never before the other.
How can one know God?
Know good. What do you want to know? What do you want to believe? What are you willing to believe? My truth you shall know and My truth you shall show as you believe and trust in My love which I send forth unto your heart. Receive My love My darling. My love is My healing grace which transforms you into My own being in truth and grace, in beauty and love and in patience and peace. Come with Me. Walk ahead. Walk My way.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente