Each were ordinary men and women, just like you, who chose to seek Me and live anew. What each has done so can you. They prayed continually, keeping an open dialogue in faith. They asked. They believed. They gave thanks on bended knee. No egos were involved. They laid down their own lives for the greater good of all. They each asked in their own way for My “Divine Love” to fill them as this they understood was the saving grace which sanctified their hearts. And this My dear is an excellent place for you to start.
Good things happen to us.
You had better believe it. Remain thirsty for My love. I will fill you evermore. Spirit is everywhere, manifest perfectly in the flowers. You can see it in the sea. Feel it in the breeze. So you ask, “Of which do I worship?” Worship none. Give all thanks, praise and glory to God, the Maker, who works within and manifests to the with-out. Walk behind none, beside all.
The flowers, the oceans, the winds are your friends, your brothers and sisters here on earth. See the twinkle in their eye and know all is well. The time has come for you to know the truth of your being, the being that is you, always has been you, and always will be you. Your truth in God, the goodness of this universe, is who you are in reality. Let this reality show. Let others know who you are and by doing this they as well may come to know the Truth which resides within all. The time has come. Show up.
Make no mistake I am here present with you. By you allowing My will to flow, you show your love to Me. I make no mistakes. Do not doubt My love. My will, My everlasting goodness, flows through your being and creates the world anew.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente