Many people Lord, many people call Your name and still cry out in pain believing you are not there as they live so unaware. They are wandering still, and arguing, proclaiming things they believe to know but have not seen and so do not show. There are many whom call Jesus’ name and yet seem to wander and fall just the same.
I know, I see, and all this pains Me for I sent My Son Jesus to “light the way” to make this all clear as day. Yes, many, many call My name and receive My blessings, as My blessings, the good of the world, are available to all. But they do not do My will, for they know not My will. For the only way one can do My will is to be so filled with My love as was Jesus. This is, I say once again, “the gift” of My Divine Love.
Yes, so many love me and all I love. But they do not come to Me as little children with open minds and hearts asking to be so filled with My love, wisdom and grace. They are already so filled with ideas they have decided about Me and My great love, that they inhibit the very most inner knowing of My essence. Books and books are filled with what man thinks of Me, not what man knows of Me. And the words I have given that have been heard have been for years upon years misinterpreted, as their original meanings seem to be so absurd that their minds cannot begin to comprehend.
Jesus told you all that I hid the spiritual wisdom from the mind and thus it could only be accessed from the heart. And yet men become “learned” in the Bible and study and pull it apart and attempt to put it back together again. Just like the old nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty, “All the King’s horses and all the King’s men could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.” My words cannot be put together again. My word cannot be “put together” by the mind of any man.
This is why I gave the New Covenant. It was and is My promise to guide those who wander, home again unto My heart. Many believe they are “the ones” who have found it, that they alone have the key or the “recipe,” the lock on My love. Well, no one person or group has or ever will have a lock on My love as it is for all for all time.
Many of you have not received this “New Gift,” this gift of the New Covenant. Some believe they have and others believe they will. But few know, truly know My will. Whoever has been so blessed with this gift, this gift of the New Covenant, My Divine Love into their very heart, will know. He will know My love and will do My will. He will not sin, for as he so knows My will he can do no other.
Now I ask you to ask yourself, does this describe you or your brother? This gift is still here for you. I hold it in My hand, this very gift of My love. My transforming love will keep you from wandering and bring you to the “Promised Land.”
It is here now and available. This love, as it enters your heart and soul, awakens a newness of spirit. A fire or flame of My love will burn within and purify your very soul making it into one of pure gold. This is the treasure whom all have sought but found elsewhere naught. This is the Ark of Covenant which I offer each of you to renew, to be reborn of Spirit, to be sons and daughters of God, no longer born of a woman. With this gift, all of My word, which you have ever heard, will be a riddle no more.
This Love, this saving grace, of which I speak I keep from no man, no woman. Come to Me as you are, I say. It is My Love you are to want, to plead for, to make room for in your heart. You do not have to be perfect to come to Me. You cannot be perfect except through Me, through the ways of My Love.
The only way one can know Me is to not know so much of himself or think so much of himself that he believes he has Me and the ways of My world “figured out” by himself. Such man is like the rich man who can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven for he continues to come to Me carrying and insisting on bringing all his “mental baggage” when his bare soul is what is required for entrance into the gates of My Kingdom.
There is more to know dear and more for you to show My dear. And as you rise in My love so you shall. It is for you now to continue to ask for and be blessed by My love. This love is doing wondrous works in you and through you and will continue to do. Thank you for doing as I have asked, for completing this part of your task. You know My Love. You know Me. I Bless you and love you My dear. Dry your tears. This is all good. Good for all to hear. Some will hear and some will know and all who do such, Blessings I will show.
Excerpted from the book
Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story
by Debra Clemente